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Posts posted by Nameless

  1. Would you mind saying what your explanation of this error is in English please.



    ?Aunque en la lengua oral tienden a tomar marca de plural, las siglas son invariables en la escritura; por ello, cuando se quiere aludir a varios referentes es recomendable introducir la sigla con determinantes que indiquen pluralidad. Debe evitarse el uso, copiado del ingl?s, de realizar el plural de las siglas a?adiendo al final una s min?scula, precedida o no de ap?strofo.?



    Although in the oral language they tend to take mark of plural, the initials are invariable in the writing; for it, when one wants to allude to regarding several it is advisable to introduce the acronym with determinants that indicate plurality. The use copied of English must be avoided, of realizing the plural of the initials adding in the end one small letter s, preceded or not of apostrophe.


    An example: In spanish should be DVD, and not DVD's


    Hope it helps :D

  2. My english is not good, so bear with me :P


    After taking a quick look over the translation, I found a minor mistake: '?Como va ha ordenar los archivos que est? tratando de recuperar?'


    It should be :'?Como va a ordenar los archivos que est? tratando de recuperar?'


    The translation in general terms is acceptable, any spanish speaker should be able to understand it. The translation is not written in some American spanish dialect, trust me, American spanish dialects are not easy to understand :D



  3. In Windows XP I use the argument: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN

    in a shortcut and CCleaner runs, then shuts XP down.


    In Windows 7 I use the argument: C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn CCleaner

    in a shortcut and CCleaner loads, but doesn't autorun or shutdown Windows 7.


    See: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/11949...mpt-create.html




    Any ideas to run like XP?


    When creating the shorcut, try adding the arguments (/AUTO /SHUTDOWN) in step 8, there is an optional section for the arguments.

    Hope it helps

  4. All In One Sidebar

    All-in-One Sidebar is a sidebar control, inspired by Opera's. It lets you quickly switch between sidebar panels, view dialog windows such as downloads, extensions, and more in the sidebar, or view source or websites in the sidebar. It includes a slide-out button and a toolbar, all of which can be extensively customized.


    Download Embedded

    Downloads all or selected embedded objects on a webpage. Can be used for downloading movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, or other embedded files.



    It lets you download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much more: you can refine your downloads by fully customizable criteria to get only what you really want


    Fetch Text URL

    Open plain text URLs from the context menu



    A user Script manager for Firefox


    IE Tab

    Embeds Internet Explorer in a Mozilla/Firefox tab.


    MR Tech Disable XPI Install Delay

    Disables default delay when installing extensions.


    PDF Download

    Allows to choose if you want to view a PDF file inside the browser (as PDF or HTML), if you want to view it outside Firefox with your default or custom PDF reader, or if you want to download it


    Resurrect Pages

    What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it?

    we use this extension.

    Searches through five big page cache/mirrors:


    * CoralCDN

    * Google Cache

    * Yahoo! Cache

    * The Internet Archive

    * MSN Cache


    Of course, not every page can be in every cache. When a page is unavailable, you'll generally see that site's error page. Hit back and try another one



    ShowIP is a Mozilla Firefox extension which shows the IP Address of the current page in the browser's status bar and allows queries to different databases about it when you right click on it. The IP is colored red for an IPv4 address and green for an IPv6 address.

  5. I found this cool freeware list at 121Space:





    The original list is here : Neowin.net

    Now the topic have at least 13 pages and they stopped updating the list because people keep copying it


    Giving credit doesn't hurt.


    Ps: Admin; If posting the link is forbidden, please remove

    Forgive my awful english :D

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