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Posts posted by shaft121

  1. An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk0\D during a paging operation. That is what the error reports say in my system error section. In the application errors sssection, I only have two, and they are to do with a trialware version of an MP3/WMA convertor I downloaded ages ago and used twice tonight, and those errors always occur when I try to close the program or when it finishes a conversion.

  2. Hi, I have run CCleaner and the registry key value backups have been saved as a .txt file (Notepad). I am currently on Windows XP with SP2. When I rightclick on the registry backup .txt file, I do not receive the option to 'merge', thus restoring the backup. Can anybody tell me how I can get round this to restore my backup?


    Thanks in advance.



    Okay, all sorted. I realised I had to open the .txt files with Reg Editor rather than notepad. Cheers anyway :)

  3. Hi, I have run CCleaner and the registry key value backups have been saved as a .txt file (Notepad). I am currently on Windows XP with SP2. When I rightclick on the registry backup .txt file, I do not receive the option to 'merge', thus restoring the backup. Can anybody tell me how I can get round this to restore my backup?


    Thanks in advance.

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