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Posts posted by Pyth

  1. There is no /log the Original poster is asking for that ability.

    I know, I meant to ask what the function is going to do. Will it store temperature settings or not? If so, will it store all temperature settings? If so, how can you review them? Within Speccy itself or do you need something like excel?

  2. What would the /log function do? In my topic I asked if all temperature settings could be saved, is that what /log does? I don't really care if it is with a UI or not, but it would be nice if you could open the file in speccy, so you can see a graph, and you don't need other programs.

  3. I would love to have an option to log the temperature in Speccy.

    I used Core Temp for this, but this one only logs CPU temperature, it would be great to log GPU temperature too, maybe even HDD temperature.

    I would prefer one that updates every minute or something, and can be easily opened, preferably within Speccy.


    I just found out that you can view a graph when clicking on the icon next to the temperature. But it would still be very nice to have a feature that really logs it, saving it every minute. This way you can view the the temperature log if you want to find out why your computer fell out.

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