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Soren Truelsen

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Posts posted by Soren Truelsen

  1. Morning Piriform,


    It works! I got the movie back where my son learns to ride a bike and my daughter is eating strawbarries. All the pictures from this summer is recovered.


    I left it running over the night and recovred about 95% of the pictures, then the second night I recovered about 90% of the movies.


    Now, can I somehow donate to Piriform?





  2. Hello Piriform,


    A couple of weeks ago I decided to clean up my PC and used first CCleaner and then Defraggler. I was very happy with both programs. Then - too late - last night I was again in the cleaning mode. To make a long story short, I ?Quick formated? my D-drive (76 Gb) with all my pictures on it - around 7 Gb. (Windows XP is on C). I screamed and turned off the PC. Now, today, I?ve searched for programs to help me and came upon your ?Recuva?.


    I?ve tried several things with it.


    1) In ?Option?, choosing ?Action? and then ?scan for non-deleted files?. That gives me nothing - and a dialog box that offers me to deep scan


    2) Choosing deep scan. It gets to 3% and then stops moving. It?s been running for 6 hours and the estimated time just goes up. I?ve tried to stop it after 3 hours and see what it had found, and there was pictures, just only from the ?windows temp folder? (at least I guess it was from that).


    Now my problem is that I can not see progress and if it is working and the dialog at start up say deep scan will take several hours - not days.


    Another thing I worry about is the ?output?, I can?t find a place to set ?output directory?, so I am afraid it will mess up the ?fragile D-drive?, before I manage to get my pictures out.


    Is there something I can do? Is it normal that it estimates it will take several days?


    Desperately yours,



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