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Posts posted by johny.xmarks

  1. First of all, congrats for this mini super-tool. It is a very good defrag program (fast, small, light on resources). However i have some suggestion to make and if they are implemented, they could make this little thing better than PerfectDisk, which in my opinion is the best defragger out there right now, although paid.


    1)Add a form of defragment "Defrag by Frequency". So that Defraggler will see which files are most frequently used, and put them to the beginning of the drive(the fastest part of the drive) to achieve maximum performance gains. Create file groups (frequently used, moderately used, rarely used) to sort them from the beginning of the drive to the end, respectively.


    2)Leave free space gaps (they could also be user-defined!) between the file groups to lessen future fragmentation.


    3)Defragment the boot/locked files. They should be placed in the very beginning of the disk, even before the most frequently used files!

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