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Posts posted by rojay

  1. Thanks MrRon and Augeas,

    If memory serves, I had checked both Deep Scan and Scan for Non-Deleted Files ( I should have mentioned this - sorry!)

    About 15 minutes after my last post, the scan stopped of its own volition and reported 90350 files found (I have no idea why it took so long). I was able to recover all but 64 files. However, despite selecting the option for preservng the directory structure, the directory structure was not recovered. So now I have about 90286 files, all in one directory. While this is GREAT progress, is there a way to re-establish the directory structure? These are all photographs that have been cataloged through the directory structure; it would be a serious amount of work to recatalog them all.

    Would it help to rescan (with different options e.g uncheck Deep Scan) and try again?

  2. I have a different problem with a 1TB external drive. On a recent boot, the drive was detected as having bad sectors, so CHKDSK was run automatically to analyze and fix the errors. CHKDSK reported many errors, which it promptly fixed. When I subsequently reboot, I get an MFT corrupt error and can't access the disk.


    Enter Recuva. I entered Advanced mode and do a deep scan to try to recover the files. Recuva starts promptly and for the first hour, showed "Current progress - 0%; estimated time left - 10 days" Over the next 5 days, the progress bar slowly increases to about 51% (with 31010 files found). At that point, progress jumped to 110% (estimated time left - 5 days). I keep waiting, and after another 4 days the progress has gone to 144% (or so). Today it jumped to 214%; estimated time left is now fluctuating rapidly between 1 day and 22 days (or so). Progress is still slowly increasing.


    Is it doing anything? Should I kill it, or keep waiting? Its been running for about 2 weeks - is there any chance of recovering the files?


    tech specs: I am running WinXP, SP3 with Recuva 1.38.504; screen shot attached post-40239-128623881886_thumb.jpg.


    Any help would be appreciated,


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