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Posts posted by evilxelvis138

  1. I am pleased with your success but am unable to replicate your remedy - I cannot rename any cookies in options\cookies.


    You state in post 9, "it [the cookie] only shows up in the cookies tab under options", so I presume you were able to rename the cookie listed in options\cookies.



    yeah to rename the cookie you need to drag it over to "cookies to keep", right click the cookie and select "edit". it then asks you to enter the cookie's domain name. I just entered something like aergtwrt.com and then i moved it back over to cookies to delete. after running the cleaner it never showed up again.


    Wait, I'm confused it only shows on the cookies tab. Is the phyisical cookie still there in the folder I stated (or where your ccleaner finds it) If not this is a known issue with the cookies tab and it won't show when you reboot (It's just still reading the cookie index.dat)


    Yeah i could never find the physical cookie. It didn't show up when i ran the cleaner on analyze (with both regular and admin mode), nor did it show up in the cookies folder for IE (and i had the show hidden files option selected). It only showed up in the cookies tab in options.


    I ran the cleaner multiple times, rebooting after several times. I uninstalled AIM and that didn't fix the problem (and i am sure there was an "olivegarden" add on aim a few months back). I changed ccleaner to an earlier version and the cookie didn't show up, i then upgraded back again to the new version and the cookie popped up again under options/cookies. I then switched it to cookies to keep, changed the name of it, ran the cleaner and it vanished. weird huh?

  2. I fixed it!! :) What i did was I moved the cookie to the keep area and then i renamed it to some bogus website. I moved it back to cookies to delete and it deleted when i ran the cleaner. I wonder if becuase the cookie had the "www" included that hindered it from being deleted? oh well. thanks for all the help and tips i was given :)

  3. Try cleaning Internet Explorer's browsing cache/cookies using IE's own built in tools to delete them, then run CCleaner, and finally restart Windows to see if that gets rid of it.


    didn't work :(


    my Olive Garden cookie seems to be stored in


    C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore\8EF5I8NQ\www.olivegarden[1].xml


    However latest Ccleaner (released today) was able to clean it fine


    where (in summary results) does it show yours is saved?



    when i run the ccleaner analyze the cookie doesn't show up. it only shows up in the cookies tab under options. I am curious if it caused by aim, becuase i remember aim had an olivegarden add attached a while ago, but i ran ccleaner without aim running and it's still there. meebo.com is showing up as a cookie too (a site i never went to) but when i run the cleaner it deleted the meebo cookie until i opened aim again

  4. Can you solve it by: Internet Properties \ Browsing History \ Settings \ View Files and manually delete the intruder?


    after running ccleaner that folder is empty, and even before i ran ccleaner the cookie in question wasn't even there (and i have show hidden folders and files on)


    Try Unlocker to delete or move the file.


    This has worked in the past for another forum member that had a flash cookie that was a real pest. I must add that this is a program to be careful with.


    If you need help locating the file or using the program, just ask and we will be glad to help.


    i downloaded this and i checked but nothing came up in the ie cookie folder either. :( thanks for both your help tho. On a sidenote I downloaded an older version of ccleaner and this cookie did not show up.

  5. I am using vista and the latest ccleaner, and I can't seem to delete an Internet Explorer cookie for www.olivegarden.com


    I have all applications, multimedia, etc checked when i run the cleaner, and it still keeps popping up in the cookies. I even ran it in admin mode.


    i don't remember visiting the website, so i went to the site and it added a olivegarden.com cookie (without the www). So i had both under cookies, and after i ran the cleaner the "olivegarden.com" was removed but the "www.olivegarden.com" was still there.


    any of you guys have any tips on removing this pest?

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