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Posts posted by Zero_Bob

  1. Thank you for your answer, Hinata.


    I already tried on my second computer, with the same result : No progress above 0%, and CPU running at max.


    I would have understand that the flash memrory can be the cause of my problem, but the recovery works on the files which are not in the "recordings" folder.

  2. Hi,


    First I would like to thank the team for recuva software who helped me a lot of time with my lost files or friend's ones.


    Now, my problem:

    After a sync between my iPod nano and iTunes I've lost two vocal recordings that are really important to me.

    I've searched all iTunes/iTunes tricks to recover those files, but couldn't make it.


    Finally, I tried recuva and "bam" I see the two missIng files after the scan in the "recordings" folder of the iPod HDD.

    So I select those and clic on recover. The progression window appears, but the progress dont' go above 0%.I've tried to recover other files from another folder and it works.


    So finally, my question is: is there any kind of restriction regarding "recordings" folder ?


    Thanks in advance for your help,



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