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  1. I use the 64-bit version of defraggler and I want to know if theres a way to view the current progress either by percentage or drive map when using the scheduler in the defraggler64.exe? Or do I have to somehow change it to use the defraggler64.exe in the task scheduler to be able to see that? Also, if you have anymore infomation about my last topic of what the "/ts" switch is thats used when you schedule defrags and if theres a way to warn the user when the PC is going to be shutting down instead of just immediately shutting down
  2. I've found out through the docs site for defraggler that you can add the switch "/shutdown" to shutdown your PC after it finishes it's operations. This part works perfectly... my question is in two parts: 1. What is the "/ts" switch? (When looked at through Task Scheduler) 2. Is there a way to notify the user of shutdown with an option to cancel if they are still using the PC? (like using the windows shutdown.exe) I was working with a few programs and completely forgot about the schedule and suddenly my PC shutdown without warning or even telling me.
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