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Posts posted by mysta02

  1. @Alan B.


    I completely disagree with you, as well.


    'Using CC without closing down Firefox' really is a question hidden as a statement. He wanted to know "Why do I have to close Firefox to clean it with CC, and can this be fixed?"


    And, that question has yet to be answered.


    Some people are saying that CCleaner can't do it for IE. Some people are saying that CC sets the files for deletion upon restart.


    What does CC do, definitively? Because, the files are shown to be deleted in CC.

    Why can't Firefox be set the same way?


    As for Ident, he never said anything about there being a difference between IE, and third-party browsers. I could have called him rude, but I felt calling him an ass was the more modern equivalent of "you are rude".

  2. @Alan B.


    I wasn't 'abusing' any member, and I wasn't challenging his knowledge. His response to a question was "you are 100% wrong". How can a question be wrong?? And, "how on earth did you get that from....". Both of THOSE are abusive. I didn't challenge his answer, because he never gave one. He's not much help if he just insults people and doesn't offer useful advice.


    CCleaner says that it cleans IE's temp files. It gets rid of GB's worth of info from IE every time I run it. It doesn't matter to me as a user whether it transfers these files elsewhere for deletion upon restart, or does it automatically; the point is that they are gone from a user's standpoint (no longer in temp, or in history, etc). Why can't CCleaner use these 'special rules' for Firefox. Instead, it tells you it can't do it.

    That seems odd to me.

  3. @jock and Community:


    I completely agree with you, jock. IE temp files can be cleaned while IE is still running, but when you try to clean Firefox, it tells you to close Firefox or it will skip cleaning Firefox.

    Why can it do it for IE, but not Firefox?? I don't know.


    @ident: You're an ass. What jock said made perfect sense. And, even when Augeas explained it to you in perfect English, you were still an ass. Be a useful part of the Piriform community, or not at all.

  4. It gives me three User Variables: MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH , TEMP , and TMP




    And, it gives values for each of them. What are they for??

  5. The options for hidden and system files are as they should be, and I still can't find the folder. Also, I have no "LocalService" folder in Documents and settings. I have All Users, Cody, Default User, and Intel (no idea why that's there...). I've checked all those folders for it, and it's not in any of them.

  6. Strangely, I can't find my Content.IE5 folder. I set all my folders to show hidden files, enabled viewing of system files, and checked the pathway by analyzing in CCleaner. There is no folder named Temporary Internet Files under C://Documents and Setting/Cody/Local Settings even though CCleaner says that's where it is.


    Any ideas there??


    And, I only have the one user on my computer.

  7. Unchecking History does very little. It's the cache/temporary internet fils that take forever.


    Yes, cleaning with IE first brought it down to 7000 files or so in my Temp Files section. Then CCleaner took about a minute. Ran it again, with no Temp Files, and it took 2 seconds.


    It's the temporary files that take forever.


    I'm running XP SP3.

  8. Haha. Ya, I can be patient, but it drives me nuts. Today's cleanup took just over 100 minutes. I update the program regularly, so I shouldn't have to reinstall it. But, who knows?

    I like CCleaner, because it does all my cleaning, and only the cleaning I want (I keep a lot of cookies).

  9. What version of Internet Explorer do you use?


    How long does it take if you clear the browser cache from within Internet Explorer (or Control Panel's Internet Options)?


    P.S. what is your CCleaner version?


    Sorry it took so long to reply. I moved and my internet hasn't been working until now.


    I'm using IE8, and CCleaner 2.32.1165


    And, it takes maybe 2 minutes or less to delete all my cache files, history, etc, from within Internet Explorer.

  10. I run CCleaner, on average, between 2 and 4 times a week. Each time, it takes forever for it to delete the files in Content.IE5. Depending on how much browsing I've done, it can can over 45 minutes, just for the files in that one folder!


    I just finished a scan today: 75 minutes total.


    Why do the files in this particular folder take so long to delete?? Though there are fewer files, my Recycle Bin generally has a lot more information for CCleaner to delete, but it takes mere seconds to complete that task.

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