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Posts posted by rickK1

  1. i'm using google chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit) on my windows 7 home premium.  Google chrome is my default browser.  I always close my chrome before using ccleaner.  In one of your other posts about chrome, you mention something about turning off or disabling the setting called Continue Running Background Apps When Google Chrome is Closed.  I checked my settings and it was and always has been disabled.  


    I'm using the current version of ccleaner... v5.33.6162 (64bit).  


    Upon using ccleaner, I always have to open chrome and manually remove the cookies and history.  

  2. I've been using AVG Pro Antivirus for several years and have had no problems with it. My problem is that when I run CCleaner, it removes all of my temp files including those associated with my antivirus. When it removes these temp antivirus files, my antivirus scanner does not work properly. I've checked into the settings for CCleaner and found no settings that would not remove my antivirus temp files and folders but there are settings that does allow me to keep my spybot temp files.


    At first glance, I thought my antivirus was the problem. So, I contacted AVG's tech support and they suggested that I uninstall then reinstall. This fixed my problem until I ran CCleaner again. Then, my problems returned again and again. Thus, my problems are associated with CCleaner...not my antivirus.


    I've disabled the settings for removing temp files from cleaner settings/utilities but this does not help. I've even tried to rename my antivirus temp log but CCleaner still removes it. I can disable the setting to remove all temp files but when I do that, then I'm disregarding other temp files that should be deleted.


    I like the ease that CCleaner works but this is getting to be ridiculous. Everytime I run CCleaner to clean my system, I must uninstall then reinstall my antivirus if I decided to allow CCleaner to remove all of my temp files and folders.


    How soon till CCleaner fixes this problem?

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