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Posts posted by dobermanmacleod

  1. There are some blue blocks I can see that aren't being rounded up and coral-ed into the larger block of files. When I click on the square it tells me what the files are named (and they inevitable are zero size), but I can't find them with search to delete them. :blink:


    How do I get rid of [delete] undefragglable (zero sized, and therefore irrelevant to my programs or the operating system) files? I've already ran error check in Windows XP to no effect. :huh:


    By the way, the reason I want to get rid of them is that I think they are interfering with me downloading a large file onto a flash drive (i.e. I'm getting a message that I don't have enough space when I'm trying to download a mrimg using Macrium Reflect - I ought to have a couple of gigabites extra space than I need). <_<


    Just so you know, I've already loaded a 6 gig. mrimg file onto it earlier (and deleted it so I would have enough space to load the 10 gig. one that won't fit now - even though I have twelve gigs of space). :angry:


    I bet those errant files are the culprit, since they probably make it so I don't have a large enough contiguous space.

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