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Posts posted by jeeprad

  1. Can you please post all exact paths that you are trying to delete?


    Is CCleaner not find the files in the folder?


    Is CCleaner deleting the files but not the folder?


    Can you please be as specific as possible?




    Hi. I joined the forum just for this specific problem :o


    Before even visiting, I did all the same things that jhoward did, and like hotrod I went back to v2.28.1091 and it works perfectly again.


    When checking the contents of my default box after running ccleaner, it would say (when working properly) "There are 0 files and 1 folders in the sandbox."


    But after running v2.29.1111 I had 54 folders and 158 files, so I don't know what ccleaner is missing.


    My path (If this is what you mean ) is




    Let's get this fixed so that we Sandboxie users aren't stuck in v2.28 as new versions arrive :)

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