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Posts posted by ehcet

  1. Hi

    Using Norton Internet Security, I received a program from Norton which is checking my computer status.

    It came up with some suggestion to eliminate uneccesary files.At the end suggested to defrag my HD.

    It looks like it used XP defragmenter, but at the end it left 29% still fragmented.

    I am using CCleaner and Defraggler for years and this never happened. Now when I try to defrag with defraggler

    it also leave 29% fragmented. Is there any way to really defrag my HD? or this 29% was always there but defraggler just

    failed to report.

    Thanks for the help in advance


  2. I am using defraggler with XP.Prof and Vista Home Premium. With XP.prof it defragment all files but in Vista it leaves a bunch of files fragmented.

    Any suggestion please?





    Unfortunately I am still XP user. My wife started using Vista Home Premium. The only thing I know that at the end of defragmenting it tels me that 17% still fragmented and I can see the little red blocks.


  3. <_<:( Hi. Using ccleaner and defraggler for long time. Always works best. Except last time I did use Seagate Image backup software and stored the image in an USB connected Seagate Mini 4 320GB auxiliary hard drive. Being clean freak and stuped. I runn the file defrag and then the defraggler. When I wanted to restore my hard drive image it told me that the file is corrupted. No,no, after I did the image backup I run Seagate test and it seamed ok. Also many cases always worked without problem. But this time using File List defrag and then the defraggler, when I wanted to restore my HD Image it told me that the file are corrupted. Since this never ever happened before, also never ever defragged the Seagate Mini4 usb aux. hard drive I think the defraggler did a little trick on me.

    If any advise or need more info please contact me.

    Thanks for the great programs



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