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Posts posted by vreid47362

  1. I have a batch script that runs as a machine startup script on Win2k and XP machines to run ccleaner. Here's the pertinent line:


    c:\program files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe /auto


    The problem that I have is that, since it runs as the system account, it does not clean all users crap at machine startup.


    I need some sort of command line switch that will run ccleaner on all local user profiles at machine start.


    Please note the following limitations: 1. The solution needs to run as the system account at machine startup. 2. Users run as standard users without administrative privledge. 3. Some machines have multiple user profiles, so logging into each one and setting each profile's ccleaner options manually is not feasible.


    Does anyone have any suggestions? I've looked for some sort of config file with user settings to copy to each profile, but I can't seem to find one. Is ccleaner info stored in a config file or in the registry? Is there any way to get ccleaner to automatically check for configuration issues and fix them automatically from the command line?


    Thanks for anyone's help.

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