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Posts posted by marcm

  1. Hello Dennis,


    I went though the links. I didn't found specifs for CCleaner and logged a problem to Microsoft.

    As I can see there is a lot of issues with Vista SP1 so I am not surprised of the problem I got.


    I will just stop to use the application and afraid to use Deffraggler which is an other tool that does a good defragmentation of the disk.

  2. Hello Jamin4u,


    I am using CCleaner since a long time now and always satisfied.

    Recently I have updated my Vista Enterprise to Service Pack 1. I then downloaded the last version of CCleaner v2.23.999 and run it out of the box like I usually do.

    I unfortunately got the same problem as brac37. My system is now corrupted and the last known successfull boot doesn't work anymore.

    I am getting a cyclic BSD followed by a reboot. Only the safe mode works.

    It looks like the registry has been corrupted, maybe wipedout.


    Is it a bug of this version of CCleaner or is it something releated to Vista SP1?


    I am using also Deffragler since a long time but I am afraid to get the same issue again...


    Do you have clues ?

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