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Posts posted by Snowknight26

  1. Sure does look like it won't ever be fixed, nor any other critical issues (as can be seen from the lack of updates).


    1.5GB of RAM usage even though no analysis could have taken place because it fails - which is a whole nother issue probably do to the RAID size - and the Properties group box that has the pie chart in the lower right still shows incorrect sizes (in bytes).


    As always, attached is a debug4 log.




  2. I have a similar issue when trying to analyze a 15TB RAID (which strangely shows up as only being a few million bytes short of 5 trillion - http://i32.tinypic.com/1zf7z1i.png )


    Another thing I noticed was that before the Defraggler GUI even showed, the task manager indicated defraggler.exe (shame it's not 64-bit) using 1.4GB of RAM.


    But anyway, I've attached a debug log just like everyone else. Would love to see some progress on this issue.



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