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Posts posted by Brigg

  1. Opera 10.51 is still not cleaned correctly by CCleaner. If you choose to clean the internet log (third option after cookies and cache) it insists on deleting \sessions\autosave.win


    This misunderstands how Opera works. autosave.win stores the windows or tabs that you had open the last time you ran Opera. Most users will expect the tabs they were working in to be there when they start Opera, it's one of its selling points againt IE.


    Deleting autosave.win is then not like deleting "recent files" in microsoft word, it's more like wiping the windows desktop of all icons or deleting bookmarks.

  2. I've noticed that for the Opera browser, CCleaner misses a couple of folders. This is the \images folder which contains favicon.ico from visited sites and \vps which according to one forum poster contain autocompletion information, but can grow to surprisingly large sizes. In addition, I don't know if Ccleaner touches the vlink4 which lists visited files.


    Also note that for the upcoming Opera version 10, which I've tried the beta of, the folder locations are re-arranged somewhat.

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