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Posts posted by CindyM

  1. Wow, you are terrific! I'm sorry I should have said that I have XP Media Edition, which is pro as you know. It's an HP Pavilion a1430n, dual AMD CPU, 3800 + 1.80 GHz, pretty fast, 250 GB hard drive came installed, capacity 4 GB ram, I have 3 installed, 2 identical 1 GB, and the 1 GB that came with in 2- 512 KBs. I bought it in 2006, so it's old news by today's standards, but it works for me.


    I really appreciate all your help, you are very kind to have taken the time to send me all the instructions I could possibly need! I will do this after work over the weekend, and let you know how it worked out, which I'm sure will be fine, because you even gave me the free software to help. The hard drive still has 232 GB available, and I am looking forward to having this thing running well again. Thank you so much, I can't wait to get started.



  2. My first suggestion would be to remove the Norton, I am biased against Norton as I used to work for a shop that sold it and it was a piece of junk with many complaints. That being said, even if I thought it was a good product, I would still say the same thing. If you are able to use the Windows or CCleaner utility to start the Norton uninstaller then try using that and reboot then use the Norton removal tool - Norton Removal Tool (SymNRT) 2009.0.5.26 which you can find the latest version at MajorGeeks.com http://majorgeeks.com/Norton_Removal_Tool_SymNRT_d4749.html to clean up most of the rest of the stuff left behind that the uninstaller leaves behind. That should leave you with your system clean enough to install another antivirus like AVG Free or AVAST if you want a good FREE antivirus, or get NOD32 from ESET if you want the best AV.


    I am not one of the folks who write code for CCleaner, and I do love this utility, but the latest version has had some issues(my money is still on Norton screwing something up). If your system is still having problems after you have removed the Norton, then unfortunately, I would suggest that you back up your data and reload from scratch so you have a clean system, this is not a bad idea every so often anyway. Then when you reload CCleaner go back to version 2.17, skip the 2.19 version, and wait until a version 2.20 comes out.


    As for the NIS (Norton Internet Security), good surfing habits and a router, are much better protection than NIS. Once you have taken some action, would you please let us know the outcome? This is a very good forum and even if I can not find your solution there is a good chance someone else can.



    Hi Vic,


    Thank you so much for writing back. I got home from work late and had to walk our 3 dogs, and I have no great love for Norton, so it can go. It's funny that you said something about the latest version of CCleaner, I had just done the update before I ran the registry checker. Norton is no longer having a problem, but my computer just isn't running right. I will do a back up and clean install, but I have a question. A year or so ago I had some malware and when I finally got rid of it, it took with it some of the components to different things on the pc that I would like back, such as the fax monitor on my windows fax, and my networking sector is missing some stuff, to name a couple. The last time I did a back up I used Nero and sent everything to an external hard drive. When I installed everything back, I installed the messed up items along with what I wanted. Maybe I don't really understand how to back up just the programs that I want. I also lost all my email from Outlook 2007, I don't want that to happen again because I store important veterinary correspondence there. I know you all are busy solving problems, but could you recommend a good informative site to tell me how to back up, so that I don't create a nightmare for myself? There must be a file somewhere with all the EULA agreements in it because I lost a lot of software that I had to dig out and redo, but the worst part of that was losing what I had stored in particular programs, for instance, all my recent papers done for my second trip back through college. Thank you again for your time and help.



  3. Hello. I used CC to check my registry for errors yesterday. I clicked fix all the errors it found. I did the back up, saved in my documents. I had major problems after cleaning the registry, couldn't even boot up, Norton Internet Security became invalid, unable to use system restore, many other problems. I tried to restore the back up, got the file from your site to allow extension to be recognized in XP, and when I went to import the saved reg. file to the registry, here is what I got:


    C:\\ all the stuff for file placement\CC_Registry_backup\cc_20090512_081006.reg:Not all data was successfully written to the registry-some keys are open by the system or other processes. I desperately need help, my computer is now having one error after another, still cannot get NIS to open when I restart my computer, last known configuration doesn't work, was able to do system restore, but it took about 30 tries and a lot of time, and going through safe mode to do so, and I lost a lot of stuff from my computer that shouldn't have changed by doing a restore. I don't know what to do, will someone please help me? Thank you for your time.



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