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Posts posted by Blueeyed.1978

  1. I would like to recommend that Ccleaner have the options added to be able to clean the following items in Windows (unless it does already and I am not aware of it):


    1. "Thumbs.db" files

    2. DirectX's most recent applications

    3. The ability to have CCleaner to purge and delete the contents that exist in the systems pagefile. (Sometimes Windows does not do the best job when you tell it to do this upon shutdown)


    Other locations in Windows that I like to clean manually (in Windows XP Professional for example) that may be of use as a standard thing:



    C:\WINDOWS\Offline Web Pages

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temp

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\History



    C:\MSOCache (is a hidden file folder that is there after installing Microsoft Office 2007)


    Just some ideas

  2. I would like a feature (built into the "Include" sub-section of Options) that would let me delete a selected Registry key or Registry Folder. This would be useful for removing traces of of USB devices that you have connected to your system (as one example). I would simply be able to tell it to delete the folder that shows what devices have been attached to my system if I wanted to.

  3. I would like to see a function where I could export a configuration file that saves my choices for the Include and Exclude sections under the Options section. This way if I re-install CCleaner, I do not have to go in and manually enter all of these choices again and again, I can simply import my choices.


    Overall, it might be nice to have an Import/Export function for ALL changes a user has made to the program also.

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