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Posts posted by SES21

  1. Yes, Windows System Temporary Files. I ran CCleaner 4.05 yesterday in sequential order, doing nothing else in between, with the following results:


    24 hour box checked

    Analyze - Temp = 466,143 in 1,343 files out of a total 528 MB to be cleaned

    Run Cleaner - Temp = 19,716 in 25 files removed out of a total 91.4 MB cleaned


    24 hour box unchecked

    Analyze - Temp = 446,572 in 1,320 files out of a total 436 MB to be cleaned

    Run Cleaner - Temp = 446,572 in 1,320 files out of a total 436 MB cleaned


    This is not the behavior that I've experienced in the past. I normally do the first 2 operations but get equal results for both Analyze & Clean in the Temp files section, as I did when I unchecked the 24 hour box. I suppose I could roll back to 4.04 & prove things work normally then come back to 4.05 & not normal again. The main thing is that I need to know how to get Piriform to take a look at this bug! I'm not just a "typical" user either; I'm an IT Consultant & have worked in IT longer than probably many of the users here have been alive.


    I'm on XP Pro rather than Home but I don't know any reason that would make a difference. Have you tried 2 Analyzes back to back without messing with the 24 hour box? Or an Analyze immediately followed by a Clean? The only thing I do in between the Analyze & Clean is look through the details of the files within CCleaner but I've always done that. The key here is that I haven't changed anything in the routine I follow with CCleaner but I'm getting totally different results on 4.05!

  2. @dvdbane - I don't understand what you're trying to tell us. Could you please clarify or say it differently?


    @Alan_B, I understand how XP changes the Accessed time stamps & you can actually change its behavior but that has nothing to do with what I'm (not) doing with CCleaner to encounter this problem. I am not using Explorer at all when this occurs. I also am not doing anything differently than I was with previous CCleaner versions.


    The bottom line is that CCleaner is treating those files differently in 4.05 than it did in 4.04 & earlier! When I run Analyze the first time, it identifies many (0.5 GB or so) to be removed. If I then Analyze again or Run Cleaner, it finds none. If I then change it to ignore age & Analyze, it "refinds" those Temp files...plus a few more. All of this occurs without leaving CCleaner & doing anything else - that is a bug in the 4.05 version! Or, at the very least, an undocumented feature/fix in 4.05 compared to earlier versions. I don't want to remove the last 24 hours of Temp & I do want to review the Analyze results (as I always have) before I Run Cleaner. Something has changed in CCleaner 4.05 that causes this different behavior.


    In other words, I want it fixed to work as it did before 4.05 or I'll either have to revert to 4.04 or find an alternate cleaner - pure, plain & simple!


    @Augeas, will you look at this problem please?

  3. I came here specifically to report what I believe is this exact same bug. You can easily duplicate it as follows:


    Start CCleaner

    Options/Advanced, check Only delete Temp older than 24 hours

    Run Analyze - notice all the Temp files total size & quantity (for me anyway since I haven't been deleting them after moving to 4.05 so I could report this bug first)

    Run Analyze again - notice Temp files are not listed any more

    Options/Advanced, uncheck Temp older than 24 hours

    Run Analyze again - the Temp files will be listed again

    Compare to total size & quantity noted on 1st run & you'll see they're probably pretty close


    CCleaner must be somehow modifying the date it checks for Temp age when it runs Analyze. I suspect it's now checking the Accessed date rather than the Modified date but I could be wrong. Whatever it is, it didn't start doing this until I updated from 4.04 to 4.05!


    XP Pro SP3 + all hotfixes

    CCleaner Portable 4.05.4250


    Thanks in advance for the fix!

  4. I have no virtual drives on my system but CCleaner 3.08 is still not seeing any restore points. Maybe it has more to do with the OS since I'm also on WXP Pro SP3! I think this may have started in 3.07 but can't be sure; I do know that an earlier version detected the RPs just fine. Other than this issue, CC seems to be behaving normally.


    Windows XP Pro SP3 with all MS hotfixes installed except recent AutoPlay "protection" (I'll look up KB# if needed)

    CCleaner 3.08.1475, running portable version from HD if it matters, but I've been doing that for a long time

    Single 500GB Hard Drive, formatted as C: (465 GB reported, 323 GB free, balance contains all programs & data)

    System Restore set to monitor C: & use 1% (5902 MB) disk space


    If you need any more detail, just ask...thanks!

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