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Posts posted by snoopy_snoop

  1. Hello I am completely new to this forum stuff so if you would please let me know if I am doing something wrong.


    Anyway I too am running windows vista only I am running Home Premium 64 bit. Last night with trust in your product from the reputation of CCleaner, I downloaded Defraggler. I have lost 19 GB (still counting down) in a 6 hour period. I don't know how this happened. When I started out I had 127 GB of a 220 GB HDD left. Now that I have used your product I only have 108 GB. What is going on! I left this on for only 6 hours and now I have less space than what I started with...this is a bit disturbing. (just a bit-sarcasm) I too like Joleca have read the technical facts and answers or w.e about vista and it states that there is a restore point made. I tried doing the most in-depth search for a last recovery entry (mind that i literally just woke up) and could not find one. I am no expert when it comes to computers but I am not neccessarly dumb either. I just know that I am seriously not happy with what the results are. I just lost 19 GB and havent the slightest clue as to why or how to fix this. I would really like some help, as I am sure that Joleca would too. Any ideas?


    Never mind...haha I GOT MY SPACE BACK! :]] (i feel like a stupid a$$ for not reading the whole forum. haha thanks! the information that was posting above this forum works! :) thank you again....i'm sorry

  2. Already checked the troubleshooting area of the docs before I posted (after all, that is Plain Common Sense)... There is nothing there that explains how to recover 30GB of missing space... It only mentions that System Restore will create a restore point (which it DID NOT) and that it takes up space... Since this DID NOT happen... how do I go about recovering the 30GB of missing space (yes I know I just repeated myself, but). And, turning off System Restore and deleting all existing restore points, turning off Hibernation and deleting all Hibernation resources did not recover the 30GB that is now missing...


    Also, had this running on another computer with Vista.. It just finished about an hour ago (again, took approximately 26 hours to complete) and this 2nd computer is also now missing approximately 30GB of HDD free space... It had 134GB free before running Defraggler and now only has 104GB free.. and it too DID NOT create a restore point..


    So need to know what's going on here and how to fix this.. 30GB of HDD space is not something to just be able to toss away... This is valuable and needed space that I cannot afford to loose.



    Hello I am completely new to this forum stuff so if you would please let me know if I am doing something wrong.


    Anyway I too am running windows vista only I am running Home Premium 64 bit. Last night with trust in your product from the reputation of CCleaner, I downloaded Defraggler. I have lost 19 GB (still counting down) in a 6 hour period. I don't know how this happened. When I started out I had 127 GB of a 220 GB HDD left. Now that I have used your product I only have 108 GB. What is going on! I left this on for only 6 hours and now I have less space than what I started with...this is a bit disturbing. (just a bit-sarcasm) I too like Joleca have read the technical facts and answers or w.e about vista and it states that there is a restore point made. I tried doing the most in-depth search for a last recovery entry (mind that i literally just woke up) and could not find one. I am no expert when it comes to computers but I am not neccessarly dumb either. I just know that I am seriously not happy with what the results are. I just lost 19 GB and havent the slightest clue as to why or how to fix this. I would really like some help, as I am sure that Joleca would too. Any ideas?

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