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Kasi Viswanath

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Posts posted by Kasi Viswanath

  1. Hi All,


    I used the Piriform Defraggler tool on my WD Portable external hard drive (250GB) a couple of times back-to-back. The mistake I did was never checked even for a single time whether the files were accessible or not after running defraggler. Anyways, when I tried to view the contents of the hard disk, many of the folders were not accessible. The names of the folders have even been changed to some junk/weird characters. I have lost a great collection of books, educational videos in my drive now.


    Of the 250GB, I had data around 205GB. Now, only around 60-70Gb is accessible. Is the rest lost?


    Is it possible to recover the data.


    Is this a known bug? The only thing different I did was to run defraggler on my drive atleast 3-4 times back-to-back. Every time, I analyze and then run defrag. Once I had used the stop button and safely removed my drive and then connected the drive to another USB slot on the same laptop. The drive letter has not changed then.


    I am running Vista on a Core-2-duo. The external drive was in a single partition and in FAT32.


    Please help,


    Thanks in advance,

    Kasi Viswanath

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