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Posts posted by russzero

  1. hi .. im no wizz kid .. by that i mean im not a pro in pcs but i thought your hard drives look a little full as well.

    Talking of disk de fragg .. i tried that & my pc took 3 hrs & my prob did not go away. I copied most of the stuff fron C drive & did a format & re-install .. i know it aint "as" quick but saved me loads of time trying to sort it out. .. This internet is a timebomb! Most of the gremlins seem to creep in from the net. I tried spyware & had antivirus / firewall running but got well n trully clobbered last July! The program from the net got thru my firewall & installed before i could blink an eye.

    (probably due to broadband connection being faster)

    Then the cheeky program presented me with virus warnings !!! can u believe it! .. i couldnt get rid of it .. the pc was virtually locked up!

    ... so i re-installed everything. Thats not what id call good way to do business.

    Anyhow good luck russ

  2. hi .. i know this isnt going to help in any way but i feel the same about change. If the program is working well why change. I use a "free" video editor program & it has regular updates. About a year or so ago they brought out a updated version & there were a few people .. including myself .. that could NOT make the new version run !! In the forum i posted something very simular to your post about sticking to using the version thats stable. Then someone from the "program maker" added a note to say that a DLL file was required in some operating systems !!!! . One other point .. sometimes some of the dll files DONT ship with the newer update versions .. as they expect u to have them!


    Im new to CCleaner .. ive run it for the 1st time today.I hope it sorts out some of my pcs problems .... cheers all


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