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Posts posted by rost_b

  1. Hello board. I've got a horrible story to tell. I used ccleaner a few times before, and always heard good things about it. This time my farther, who's not very good with computers, asked me to clean up his PC a little. So I installed ccleaner and used it.

    Here's what I did - all checkmarks left where they were, removed all checkmarks for Firefox though, cause thats the browser that my father uses. So didnt want him to loose his cookies and whatnot. Also, cleaned registry and disabled lots of stuff in startup.

    Now, here's what I have at the end. All files from his desktop are gone. He had A LOT, right on his desktop and in many folders. Files are all gone, folders are empty. Half oh his programs are gone as well. All Firefox settings are GONE. No bookmarks, no nothing. I mean I'm a pretty patient person but WTF!!??


    Installed some data recovering tool that I've use before. Found thousands of files, but none of what I needed. Installed recuva just in case, which found nothing.


    So now I'm in a very bad spot. I'm blaming myself of course, should've made a backup of all his files. But who new that ccleaner could be such a freaking beast!!


    Really don't think that you guys can help me here.. If you got any ideas, that would be great. Otherwise consider it a rant.



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