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Posts posted by Maser

  1. That is what happens when you put loads of data files on the volume. :lol: About 50 GB of data. :lol:


    Good luck Maser !!! :) davey


    P.S. Do us a little test if you don't mind. Click on Action in the tool bar > Advanced > Defrag Freespace and see what happens.

    Ok, I did this but it didn't help... It is still the same


    Maser00 ;)

  2. I see, but it is also just 196MB. Mine is 103 MB and I have so much blocks... That is what I dont understand I think there are too much purple block for 103MB...


    Thanks for your replays so far ;)


    PS I want to help to translate Defraggler in dutch if you want :lol: .

  3. Hi Davey,


    Thanks for your replay, I now know what MFT reserved space means. But on your first screenshot there are so few blocks, and on my disk like +100. How can I reduce this like you?


    Maser :lol:

  4. Hi,


    First of all, I am Dutch so if excuse me if my English isn't good.


    Well, if I analyse a partition with Defraggler, it shows me that I have about 15% of Reserved MTF Space on every partition (exept the recovery partition).

    Now, Windows says that I only have 103MB of Reserved MTF Space (XP-partition). How does this happen?


    Some screenshots:






    ( The last one is out-of-date, sorry. I had HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Filesystem

    -----> "NtfsMftZoneReservation" on 2, after I changed this to 1 it had reduced a bit.)


    More info can be found here , sorry but its Dutch

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