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Posts posted by Etsukiordaa

  1. I have setup CCleaner do a cleanup and shutdown and it's been like that for a long time with no problem. But last time out of nowhere when I turned on the computer Windows took a bit longer than usual and I was greeted with this message instead of my desktop.


    Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.

    Then after clicking OK came this message:


    Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes to your profile will be lost when you log off.


    My computer usage has been the same routine for a while and I hadn't done anything new? so my only guess was some kind of hardware failure.


    I rebooted two times and the same things kept happening and in the second time I just run CCleaner desperately and fixed a couple of issues (I think MRU related, nothing major) and it rebooted normally! and now I'm writing this in Firefox and everything is back to the way it was.


    I would like to understand what happened here and what if next time it doesn't fix itself like in science fiction movies.



    OS Windows XP Pro SP3

    CCleaner v3.03.1366

  2. I tried defraggler a few months ago but had to uninstalled it because it was buggy. then now I wanted to give the latest version a try.


    on my Win XP SP3 laptop with a 55.9 GB HD (38.0 GB Used, and 17.9 Free) it took about 3 hours to reach 51% of defragmentation. is this behavior normal?


    (before this I defragmented using Auslogics Disk Defrag, which took only a couple of minutes and skipped many files)

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