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The Panda Bear

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Posts posted by The Panda Bear

  1. I enjoy watching the blocks.

    Some of things that you suggest will probably come about. I will have to pay more attention and look for the

    "orange" colors also. You can drag the map down and see much more detail in the blocks. You may already know this but other users will enjoy knowing it.


    Thx for the welcome :)

    After reading this I could not help but go and photoshop (don't know why I say that since I prefer Gimp) a screen shot of the blocks. I took the screeny before I reread the quote obove and saw that I could increase the amount of squares I see, thx for that.


    As you should be able to see in the atached image, the 4 difrent colors that are used for showing fragmentation, partial fragmentation and empty, no fragmantation and what I think is not fragmented and partialy empty (since not fraged and fraged should logicly be somthing along the lines of bluish red). I also added the colors to the legend wich seems to make it easier to veiw the diffrences.


    Btw, heres the colors in hexadecimal:


    Not Fragmented (dark): #0000ff

    Not Fragmented (light): #7d7dff

    Fragmented (dark): #ff0000

    Fragmented (light): #ff3c3c


    Hope that helps (fix) the confusion ;)

    The Panda




  2. Yea probably, if you have a nice lcd screen (in my case a laptop monitor) you can look at it from an angle and will see that there is not only a light blue but also an orange (for slightly fragmented?).

    But I'm glad I found this, Microsoft sucked when they changed their Windows 95 defrag view to the xp view. Now they got rid of the view all togeather. Though it would be nice if the blocks could be bigger, or if there could be more of them. As well as a legend explaining how much space each block represents. I realy love watching the squares change colors, keeps me captivated for hours :D

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