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  1. why the bitchy attitude i never did anything to you? i dont know why so many people stick around with you calling everybody (excluding admin) a bunch of uneducated non-professionals. i never claimed to be pro or anything but that guy i gave advice to probably gave up waiting for you guys to help him since aug 2 when he stopped coming around. the help i gave him wasnt my own, i simply gave a link to a more HELPFUL forum... oh wait i see how this is harmful, thats your customer! not that you ever helped him ^^ theres tons of sites like yours that perform like yours, the only dif is the admin dont always dis the members. FYI, in that forum i linked to ewido had been tried, and FAILED, i wasnt trying to help him with his log, just what he had specificly asked help on.
  2. i came here looking for info on tkbellexe. a thread in here was related to the search and i clicked it just looking around and thats when i got hooked. now i stay around quietly learning about spyware, while making a post now and then.
  3. wait wait wait... britain may be good for making canada but... (forgive the caps but its a must) BRITAIN IS BAD FOR LOSING IT TO THE FRENCH!!! and which ever poll you read that placed canada at number 1, and ausy in number 2 was obviously wrong as no self-respecting non-french human being would want to live there. ok all you french people im sorry *cough* that your french *cough*
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