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Posts posted by neomarvelbunny

  1. Did you remember to "save" after unchecking the box?


    Yes. (To be honest, it took me three tries to remember to press save, but the third time i did remember to press save.) The checkbox is still clear.


    Before posting this response i tried clearing the typed in addresses the old fashion way: i went to "Delete private data" and deleted the history of visited pages. Now it works like you've been saying: there's no drop down no matter how many sites i visit.


    So thanks for your help!

  2. Have a read of all this thrread, should sort it for you




    Sorry, just tried the about:config setting and ran CC, but the typed in URLs are still there.


    i was not talking about the list of recommended or previously visited URLs that pops up when you start typing in addresses, or any other Opera specific feature. In every major browser (IE, FF, Opera, etc.), when you type in a URL, the URL you typed in can be pulled up again by clicking the downward arrow to the right of the address bar. CC used to remove these in Opera, but it isn't removing them now, at least not for me.


    Again, is this just me? Can anyone else think of anything?

  3. [i had just finished typing this up and was about to spellcheck when my laptop froze. Gotta love Vista.... Forgive me if i forgot something.]


    i'm using Opera 9.62 build 10467 (Windows Vista SP1), and URLs typed into the address bar are still there after cleaning. i don't know when this started, but given the age of the URLs it's been a while. (Maybe when i installed 9.62? i don't know.) i downloaded the latest version of CCleaner and ran it to no avail.


    Any confirmation or is it just me? Any solutions?

  4. So i guess there is such a thing a bad question? :unsure:


    Can someone at least show me where any of these questions have been asked and answered? Even patently ridiculous questions have gotten at least one reply, and i somehow doubt i've stumped the experts.

  5. i was rooting through Opera's AppData folder trying to find where the various "Trashes" resided (more on this later), when i ran across a few things i have questions about:


    1) Every favicon Opera* encounters (whether the site is bookmarked or not) is saved in the directory (under Vista):




    (or the equivalent directories on previous Windows versions). If fact, for every username.livejournal.com or title.blogger.com site, you visit, the same favicon is downloaded again. While size isn't necessarily an issue (currently this folder is 10.6MB on my system, which is fine for my hard drive size), the files have names like 162eri.deviantart.com.idx and http%3A%2F%2Fbrasslantern.org%2Ffavicon.ico, so this directory becomes another browsing history. This file is not cleaned up with a typical CC Opera cleanup.


    If you're paranoid or have reason to be, it's probably best not to let Opera download favicons at all. i'm just cautious, and depending on the type of sites you visit favicons can be ... well, not something you want snoopy people to see. My question is simple: is it safe to add this directory to the includes, or at very least include every ICO, IDX, or image file in this directory? i can't think of any reason it wouldn't be, but i don't want Opera to crash because it's looking for something i deleted.


    * Currently using v9.52, but this true of earlier versions as well.


    2) Using Opera 9.52, in the directory:




    there are a number of four digit numbered directories. In each of these is a file named md.dat. i opened one of these in Notepad and dispersed among all the machine language goobledygook were URLs of sites that i've visited. i ran CC but these files remained unchanged. These aren't sites that require logins, and individual Wikipedia entries should require cookies (i don't delete my Opera cookies since there's no way to exclude the login cookies). So again, this comprises another browsing history.


    a. Does anyone know what these files are?

    b. Is there a safe way to clean these files? With all the machine language in them, i don't have much confidence that they can just be deleted.


    3) Back to the trash: within Opera are a lot of "Trash" folders, for when you delete a bookmark or something. There's one for bookmarks, one for notes, one for feeds, one for "Widgets," and probably one for mail (i don't use Opera's mail client). Is there a way to get CC to empty these? i always forget that they're there and that i need to empty them. i never did figure out where they're stored on the hard drive.

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