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Posts posted by jjscotman

  1. Hello


    After searching all day for a solution to the fact that I suddenly lost about 38 GB of free space on my D drive overnight I remembered I had used the Quick Defrag function of Defraggler late last night and came across discussion of this topic on this forum.


    As my laptop is using Vista, the discussion is very relevant but , as there have been no recent posts on the old threads, I'm opening a new thread and hope this is OK.


    I am not very knowledgeable about computers or the technical terms and unfortunately I'm no further forward in recovering what I've lost even after reading all the posts.


    I tried deleting all my System Restore Points but this did not work.


    Can one of the experts on the forum please advise what other action I can take or will the space suddenly re-appear as mysteriously as it disappeared ?


    Please keep things simple as I'm a beginner with computers.


    Thanks in advance for all help !!

  2. CC not only cleans Windows MRU keys but also many 3rd party applications. Recently opened/saved files. Open/Save common dialogs. Start>Run. etc. CC cleans 'em.


    "If so, perhaps someone from CCleaner should inform the guys at Makeuseof.com as their RSS feed is quite widely distributed."

    It wont be me :D I doubt they would update it anyway. The value of the article is paranoia. Take that away and what would be left? :lol:



    Thanks very much for your speedy and helpful response. I am pleased my faith in CCleaner has been restored (yet again !!)


    On reflection I think I agree with you about letting them live in ignorance.


    Many thanks and bye !!

  3. Hi there


    I came across the following article about "Really deleting your browsing history"




    One of the reasons it caught my attention is that it mentions CCleaner which I use regularly.


    The article implies CCleaner does not clean the index.dat records or the MRU keys from registry.


    Looking at the CCleaner website, I see that index.dat records do appear to be cleaned but I can see no mention of the MRU keys.


    Could some-one more knowledgeable and expert than me advise whether or not CCleaner cleans the MRU keys.


    If so, perhaps someone from CCleaner should inform the guys at Makeuseof.com as their RSS feed is quite widely distributed.


    If not, any comment on this apparent omission from CCleaner.


    Many thanks and looking forward to advice/comments.

  4. Hi there


    As a result of the recent security scare with IE, I have been trying version 9.63 of the Opera browser over the last few days.


    I notice however that, while CCleaner offers the option of "cleaning" Opera's Internet Cache and Internet History (as well as Cookies), there appears to be an omission as far as recently typed addresses is concerned.


    Seeing that the "address drop down button" on the right of Opera's address bar allows access to recently typed addresses, I checked this function with a few addresses before and after running CCleaner (v 2.14.763) and found that they still seemed to remain even after "cleaning".


    The list of typed addresses is however removed after using the "Delete Private Data" function under Opera's tools.


    Am I making a mistake and doing something wrong?


    Or is there an omission in CCleaner's "cleaning" of Opera in this respect ? If so, is it likely to be remedied in the future ?


    Guidance and comments from more knowledgeable members of the Forum would be appreciated.


    Many thanks in advance.

  5. davey, glad to know that I'm not going completely senile in my old age !!


    My o/s is Vista Home Premium SP1 32bit which was pre-installed in my new laptop when I bought it.


    My CCleaner version is 2.13.720 which I believe is the latest version.


    Google Chrome is


    I also occasionally use IE 8 (beta) but the problem does not appear to exist here and cleaning appears to take place properly as site suggestions do not work in the way I described in my original post.


    hazelnut, thanks for advising me that others have noticed the same problem. I had not spotted this thread.


    Just downloaded and tried CC version 2.14.750.


    It seems to sort the problem with Google Chrome !!


    Many thanks guys !!

  6. I believe that some aspects of how CCleaner works with Chrome are being looked at




    davey, glad to know that I'm not going completely senile in my old age !!


    My o/s is Vista Home Premium SP1 32bit which was pre-installed in my new laptop when I bought it.


    My CCleaner version is 2.13.720 which I believe is the latest version.


    Google Chrome is


    I also occasionally use IE 8 (beta) but the problem does not appear to exist here and cleaning appears to take place properly as site suggestions do not work in the way I described in my original post.


    hazelnut, thanks for advising me that others have noticed the same problem. I had not spotted this thread.

  7. Hi there


    Just closing down for the night and running CCleaner to clean up day's browsing etc as usual and an apparently strange thing once again springs to mind so this time round I will take the time to report it to the experts in this Forum.


    Since Google Chrome was added as a CCleaner application I have been using it as a default browser on account of faster speed over IE.


    But I notice that even after immediately using CCleaner the "browsing data" as defined by Google Chrome does not seem to be deleted.


    The reason I notice this is that the "suggested sites" feature still works even immediately after cleaning by CCleaner.


    Try it for yourselves - Under Options for managing Default Search in Google Chrome tools tick the box to enable the feature called "Use a suggestion service etc etc "


    Then browse a little under Google Chrome mentally remembering a couple of the sites you visited. Then run CCleaner. Immediately go back to the address bar of Google Chrome and type in the first one or two letters of a site you have just visited. Google Chrome will then suggest the name of the site.


    The only way it doesn't do this is when, after running CCleaner you also immediately use Google Chrome's own "Clear browsing data" tool.


    It therefore appears to me that CCleaner is not deleting Google Chrome's browsing data. Otherwise how could Google Chrome "remember" the sites visited in order to make suggestions based on one or two letters.


    I wonder if I'm correct - or am I completely missing something and now appearing rather foolish !!


    Anyway over to you experts !!


    I'm off to bed and will check back tomorrow.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this post!!

  8. Hi there


    I just noticed that since upgrading to the latest version of CCleaner there seems to be a problem relating to Spybot which I also run.


    In the past I would frequently run CCleaner 2 times to make sure it had picked up everything. Almost invariably it had done so and nothing would therefore be deleted in the second run thru'


    However since upgrading to the latest version there always seems to be a deletion entry relating to the Spybot log (even if I have not run it in the interim).


    No matter how many times I run CCleaner consecutively it always shows a deletion for the Spybot log varying from a few hundred bytes up to 50 or 60KB.


    Is this a bug ?


    If not, what am I doing wrong and how can I get CCleaner to show a zero deletion for the Spybot log ?


    Would greatly appreciate any comments/guidance on this.


    Many thanks in advance !!

  9. Ah thanks D. I always take for granted the obvious and figure its a given :D


    OMG - I feel like an absolute idiot !! And no doubt am !!


    I did not realise I also had to check the "Custom" box in the Windows/Advanced section.


    Have now done so and checked twice by logging in and out of Yahoo Messenger to chat with a friend. On each occasion CCleaner worked its usual magic !! And it does not seem to affect the operation of Messenger at all.


    My apologies to you both as well as of course my sincere thanks.


    Btw, any idea when a new version of CCleaner to wipe Chrome will be available ?

  10. Have you tried the beta version for Vista? This would allow you to avoid using virtualization. Aside from that I noticed in your path you have forward slashes? Also a missing space in Program Files. Also, the *.* will remove all files in that folder but not subfolders. So this wouldnt clean anything in the 'profiles' subfolder.




    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\*.*


    Example CCleaner.ini entry to clean Messenger folder and subfolders (removes all files)

    Include1=PATH|C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger|*.*|RECURSE


    Once again many thanks for getting back to me so quickly.


    The mistakes in the path are my typos. As I was unable to cut and paste from the Include section of CCleaner I tried to type it out for my original post here - with notable failure. Apologies !!


    The correct path is in the Include as I got it by using the Add Folder button to the right of the Include box. The *.* seems to get added automatically.


    I have not yet tried the new beta 9 version of yahoo messenger as I heard it had some bugs in it.


    Unfortunately I do not know what you mean when you say "avoid using virtualisation"


    Your continued help on this is greatly appreciated and once again sorry for my ignorance ( I am a "silver surfer" with somewhat limited knowledge !!)

  11. hello


    would greatly appreciate any help from more knowledgeable forum members about not being able to get CCleaner to delete my Yahoo Messenger files.


    I use Yahoo Messenger a lot and want to create a "1-click" deletion by CCleaner so I added the following as an Include item under Options :




    But this does not seem to work at all.


    I run Vista Home Premium SP1. I have tried running/adding the above both in normal fashion and also as Administrator but it seems to make no difference.


    Is it possible to use CCleaner to delete Yahoo Messenger files ? And, if so, what am I doing wrong ?


    Many thanks in advance for help.

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