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Posts posted by Marlise

  1. I use these 4 registry cleaners to keep my registry reasonably clean:


    jv16 Power Tools 1.4.1 (very safe)

    jv16 PowerTools 2005 (very safe)

    RegSeeker (not so safe, but effective)

    CCleaner (very safe (to my knowledge))


    I have some other registry cleaners too, but they seem to be rather useless after those mentioned cleaners.


    No mather what registry cleaners you use, you are never able to remove all the unneeded, leftover registry entries. Most cleaners are able to find the most criticals though. Only way to remove all the unneeded entries, is to trace and remove them manually from the registry. Anyway, there's so many entries and keys in the registry, so few unneeded doesn't really make a difference. Best way to keep your registry clean from all the unneeded crap, is to clean install Windows every now and them.


    Do you have a URL to download the first three cleaners?


    Thanks - Marlise

  2. Hello Marlise,

    Welcome to the forum :) There seems to be a problem with the Alternative download site.

    You come right back here and let us know what happens. http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner...45b2562bffaa8c/

    :) davey



    CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites



    Thank you very much davey. I was able to download it with no problem.


    I have the information from the "Beginners Guide" and the "Tour", so I will learn to use it and have a lot of fun getting my computer "squeeky clean".





  3. Hi,


    I donated $20 today through PayPal for the CC Cleaner. I went from PayPal to the site for download. There was a link to click if the download didn't start in 5 min.


    The download did not start so I clicked the link but was taken to one of those pages that says either the address is wrong, the site is down, etc. and I am not able to get the download.


    I refreshed the browser, tried several more times, but still unable to go to the download page.


    What should I do now?





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