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Posts posted by chrissyislame

  1. Hi Chrissy,

    IF you are using Vista you have a good chance of using System Restore from a date and time just prior to when you deleted them.

    I meant to warn you to check back here.Don't wait on e-mail as it sometimes gets put into your spam mail or junk mail.

    If you are not using Vista the chances go way down as far as System Restore but why not try anyhow.

    If you have not been using your PC that is good.

    I don't remember you saying if you could see any previews of your pictures.

    If these files and pictures were created recently they may have been overwritten right away.

    Do you possibly have any back-up files that may be still around?


    Best wishes ,

    :) davey


    P.S. Recuva can sometimes be used to recover pictures from your camera storage device.

    Just trying to give you every opportunity that I can think of. :(


    Nope, not using Vista.

    I'm using XP.

    And I had tried to use System Restore.

    When I did it, I logged back on after restarting and saw the folders.

    I clicked into them and saw nothing there. So I'm confused on what happens.

    And I probably don't have any backup files either.





    And when I did the scan, I named my files/pictures the day they were taken and found some that were from May that I had deleted that day with all the other files. So I don't know. But yeah, it's been a bit.

    I don't know if they will recover. Still bums me out a lot.

  2. Thats why I asked how she deleted these folders. Hoping they would go into the recycle bin. ;)


    No there not, they were deleted somehow.

    I deleted the flies/folders by dragging them into the bin, and then deleting them.

  3. Doesn't sound too good.Don't lose hope yet. Are you getting Previews of any of your pictures before selecting?

    I am asking because others may need to know this and any other details you can provide.

    In the past some files were considered "poor" or whatever but if you tried to recover them they were OK. Others marked "good" were not recoverable.The only scary thing right now is how recently those files were created.The older the better chance of recovery.

    Are you using Vista or what OS ?

    I have to go right now but keep trying to recover what you can NOW !!! The more you use your PC the greater chance of losing them.

    Best wishes,

    :) davey

    I put mine in My Pictures.I don't have an alternative drive either.


    P.S. Turn off anything that may automatically start-up like programs,messages and scheduled updates etc.


    No I'mnot.

    And when I recover them, they don't show any previews either.

    They were deleted sometime yesterday afternoon.

    So do you think I could still get them back?

  4. Hi Chrissy,

    After you Recover the file are you going to where you saved the new copy of the picture?

    For example I click on a file and then right click and select Recover Highlighted then you get the message you described then you get to select where you want the copy of the deleted file to be "saved".Are you looking there to find your "recovered" picture?

    Hope this helps,

    :) davey


    Yes, I tried.

    I right clicked it and selected Recover Highlighted.

    I wanted to save it to the desktop, so I "saved" it there.

    And when I went to look at the picture, it wasn't available.

  5. Okay, I seem to be really confused right now.

    I've been up all night trying to find programs to recover these folders that were deleted yesterday.

    I didn't mean to delete them, and I'm having trouble on getting them back.

    I've download about three other programs but I can't seem to get them to work.

    And I downloaded this one, and files are coming up, but when I try to get one I want, I'll try to save it, but it won't.

    It'll say "Do You Want To Restore To The Same Drive? (This Can Reduce The Chance Of A SucessFul Recovery.)"

    And I click yes, and when I click to see the picture, it says "No Preview Is Available".

    I'm getting on confused on how to do this.

    I want to get back about two folders full of important pictures/doucuments.

    But I need help on getting them back.

    Help me please?

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