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Posts posted by Rex101

  1. Hi Guys,


    I find the current Options > Include method of selecting a directory/file somewhat time consuming. It would be great, if when you click Add > Browse that an address field would show up at the bottom of the dialog box (same as in windows 7 for "Open With" dialog. So that I can copy/paste the location I want AND have the option to use the current Browse & Locate method.

  2. Hi Guys


    Here's my additions:

    [Adobe Camera Raw Cache*]
    [Adobe Media Cache*]
    DetectFile=%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\
    FileKey1=%AppData%\Adobe\Common\Media Cache Files\*.*|RECURSE
    [iZotope RX 2 Session Data*]
    DetectFile=%AppData%\iZotope\iZotope RX 2 Session Data
    FileKey1=%AppData%\iZotope\iZotope RX 2 Session Data\*.*|RECURSE


    They add to CCleaner ok, and I have them selected. I've added some random files (67<145mb) to each of these folders to test, but when I "analyze" the files, they don't show up? Any ideas?

  3. hi Digerati,


    all of the options are there already as you said, but personally i think it would be just easier to have these all grouped into an options box. i've added a few suggestions, but the rest are there in the program.


    regards "background", this is the option to reduce the cpu usage as opposed to crap running when u are not even using defraggler (i am a serious xp/vista "tweaker" so i turn off a lot of the crap that runs in the OS....let alone adding any MORE....so i totally agree with you there man). action >priority > normal/background - is a variable so that would best be either added to the options or removed completely and if the user minimizes the program it could ask "would you like to change the priority to background for less cpu usage" or something like that.


    i can't speak for the "general" user, but I work with a lot of audio wav/aiff files (some very large), and with 3D for rendering out image sequences (these can be excessive in both quantity and size. so a regular defrag of my partitions is a normal event (fortnightly or monthly)...also audio programs can have errors if the drive is not defraged as it looks for the next cluster to write to especially at high sample rates as i use in my home studio 96kHz/24-bit.


    well thats me for the moment. this is still running since my first post and is at 54% only of a 150gb partition. :(

  4. "defrag freespace" definitely needs to be included (for my needs at least). otherwise I have to run the process twice which is stupid. Ideally there should be a preferences like with CCleaner.


    my main suggestions would be:


    options such as:


    - defrag freespace

    - allow fragmentation

    - automatically defrag drive if more than X fragments exsist


    - priority (normal/background)


    - show drive map legend in status bar


    - check for newer version


    and in the main window, "estimated time remaining" would be nice. and maybe some design to the little progress rectangle, at the moment it looks too code-ish.


    would be nice to see "check drive for errors" as a main button on the right.


    I've also noticed since the latest update that it doesn't optimize the disk by putting them at the start/outside of the disk...talking about the feedback grid here. so what i see now is 2 lines of blue squares and then skips a few lines and some more blue squares randomly scattered about. this is even after the second run of defrag freespace.


    having said all that, it does seem much faster.

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