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drag racer

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Posts posted by drag racer

  1. maybe it is just registry errors . Try reboot ur pc

    or try closing all applications then install CCleaner again .




    Thank you for your reply. I had already tried your suggestions as a first attempt. Please see Andavari's reply, as I think this identifies the real issue and offers the correct solution.

  2. You only need one installation of CCleaner!


    You can place the icon on the All Users\Desktop that way there's only one icon to deal with, it's located in:

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop


    And maybe enable this in CCleaner after you've configured it to your liking:

    Options->Advanced: Save all settings to INI file

    which will create a CCleaner.ini file that all users will use instead of individual registry settings. Of course this is only useful if you want the exact same stuff cleaned on each account, if you don't then don't enable that Advanced option.


    Non-administrator users will have limited functionality when cleaning the registry.





    Thank you very much, it was my lack of knowledge of XP that let me down. This product and the support is impressive.

  3. Hi, I'm new to this tool and forum - would appreciate some advice please. I have a PC running Windows XP Home, I run the supervisor account and have 3 user accounts for the other family members. I successfully downloaded, installed and ran CCleaner initially on one of the user accounts, then downloaded, installed and ran again on the supervisor account - Worked beautifully on both, thank you. Assuming I needed an installation for each account, I then tried to repeat the download, install and run process on one of the other user accounts. At this point the install fails with error message


    Error opening file for writing

    C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe


    Ideally I would like to run CCleaner from all of the accounts. How should I proceed with installation to achieve this (i.e. have CCleaner as an icon in the start menu for every user) ?


    Thanks for reading - any help is appreciated.

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