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george 476

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Posts posted by george 476

  1. krit86lr: monitor works fine. no personal files.




    keithuk: no floppy disk. size of HD ok. Cant us max blast 3 to many bad things on disk need to format

  2. Welcome to Piriform George.




    Well a web search brings up a Maxtor 31536H2 drive as 15.3GB. Don't you think thats a bit small for WinXP? The cost of drive today is quite cheep so you might be better off buying a newer larger one. The only problem you have doing this is if its an old computer then the BIOS might not recognise large drives. You really need a friends that is local so you can check monitor to make sure it shows something. If push comes to shove you can always swap hard drives while you format it.


    I have 2 Maxtor drives 20GB and 40GB. Maxtor do a program called Max Blast 3 which makes a bootable floppy that you can startup and check drive size, partitioning, format drives. Thats providing you have a floppy drive, I think you would have because it sounds an old machine like mine. ;)


    Google Max Blast 3.




    keithuk: No floppy drive. Disk size is ok for what it used for. Will see if max blast 3 will boot to a dvd.

  3. Is the power light on your monitor showing that it is on?


    Also, have you already gotten all of your personal files off of the hard drive?



    krit86lr: monitor works fine. No personal files.

  4. I tried to remove SP 3 from win xp. powen went off. removal failed. Black screen. Tried recovery, that failed.

    Now have to format H.D. but no screen. H.D. is maxtor 31536H2. Need self extracting self starting format program. Anybody know of anything like this. Thankyou George ~email removed to avoid spamming~

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