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Posts posted by barfoo

  1. CCleaner v. 2.26.1050; Firefox 3.6Bet4; Windows Home Premium: Select Applications:/Firefox/Mozilla, Compact Databases.


    CCleaner hangs on the Brief.sqlite database in the FF profile.


    Brief has a built-in sqlite vacuuming function: when you right-click on its Trash and choose "Empty Trash" it will ask if you want to compact the database. If you haven't done so for a long time it can take a few minutes. You might try using this function and seeing how long it takes, to compare with CCleaner's performance at the same task.


    I should add: on my system (WinXP, FF 3.5.5), CCleaner does pause for a minute or so on the brief.sqlite database, but it also take Brief about the same amount of time to do its work.

  2. I'd like to suggest that CCleaner be made able to delete the Google Earth cache, which is a huge file that is automatically rebuilt when the application is started. It's located in (on my system):


    C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\GoogleEarth

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