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Posts posted by ma_roberge

  1. After I upgraded from 5.22.5724 in September 2016 to a version released a few days or weeks later, CCleaner ran so slowly on my Windows 8.1 computer that I gave up after a few minutes and reinstalled 5.22.5724. I have been using this version ever since, until I decided today to try 5.36.6278. The problem I had experienced by upgrading in 2016 reappeared. I thus reinstalled 5.22.5724, which works flawlessly. I have seen reports at the time that a version following 5.22.5724 had such a problem, but I thought that it had been solved by now. Apparently not, at least on my system.

  2. However hard I try to have CCleaner to delete all the cookies listed in the "Cookies to Delete" column of the Options | Cookies page, CCleaner (v. 2.35.1223) refuses to delete a cookie for "google.it". When I go to Cleaner | Applications, I can confirm that cookies are checked for all applications listed (Firefox/Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome), and my cookies for IE8 are also deleted as reported under "CLEANING COMPLETE". Some time ago, I had a similar problem, and finally noticed that one of the applications did not have its cookies option checked, but this is not the case this time. Is there a problem with the latest version of CCleaner?

  3. My setting for "Window Text" is not Window's default white but 185, 200, 185, a sort of light green. The new version, curiously, does not set a specific colour for all elements of the screen, which means that, under "Cleaner", the left pane (with all the check boxes) appear in this colour rather than as intended (and probably expected) by the programmers. The same goes for "Registry", where the background is white, but the list under "Registry Integrity" uses my own colour. The push buttons also use my colour, etc. It seems to me that the program should set all these elements to a specific colour to let me see the program the way it has been designed to display rather than in a way that will vary from user to user. This reminds me of some Web page that do not set the background colour, which means that the text colour may no longer contrast enough with the user's background colour; this can often make the text very difficult to read, as the Web site no longer displays as intended.


    This being said, I was very satisfied with the way the program looked before version 2. Why change it?



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