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Posts posted by accentnepal

  1. Yep, I was dumb enough to run CCleaner with the mailbox open and online, my mail page on Yahoo was blank - tried IE and it was there. Firefox: Tools/Options/privacy - clear cache fixed it fine, no need to re-run CCleaner.


    AND - Greenknight I support you. My modem kicked off suddenly. It was a day later so it does not count as clear proof, but it has never happened before. It would not reconnect (redialed but then nothing) in several tries. I turned off the 'puter and came back next day -all was well.


    SO - I would recommend a screen upon opening the program to remind those who should know better to turn off all programs and modem before beginning.


    And thanks for the program. There is a noticable improvement in start-up time.

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