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Posts posted by hage

  1. I doubt it's a codec conflict since I have only one codec pack installed. I've used the Codec Tweak Tool several times but it didn't really do anything. I just downloaded GOMPlayer and it does play FLV files fine, but I'm not very fond of the layout. The player covers a big area of the screen even when playing audio files. I resized the window but it's still rather large, especially compared to BSPlayer which is very compact.


    That said, I just reinstalled K-Lite Codec Pack and now FLV files work absolutely fine in BSPlayer again. I do remember this happening before though, and the problem would return after a few weeks. It's ridiculous, I know, I have no idea why it works this way too. Maybe someone could clue me on any possible reasons for its occurrence?


    Right now, I'll stick with BSPlayer since I'm especially of its skinnable nature and user-friendliness. Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it.

  2. This is a really strange problem, but when I navigate to a folder (eg. My Documents) which contains an FLV file, Explorer will freeze. The PC starts loading really slowly and I would be forced to close that window. The stranger thing is, when I try to open FLV files with BSPlayer Pro, it freezes as well. I have the K-Lite Codec Pack installed so it should be able to play FLV files. Just so you know, Media Player Classic still plays them fine.


    This is a really bizarre issue and I am unable to find any form of solution for it on Google. I do know that at least two other people share my problem with BSPlayer freezing up upon FLV file playing (interestingly, their grievance was directed towards K-Lite Codec Pack though). Is there anybody who can suggest a cause for this problem?

  3. Firstly, thanks for the help.


    I do not have CCleaner set to run whenever my computer starts up. I suspected that initially, but no, I do not have the option checked.


    I've checked there, and my options are set to keep my list of History for 30 days. It's also set to check for new version of webpages whenever I visit the webpage.


    Any other ideas what could be wrong?

  4. I reformatted my PC a while ago, but since then, my IE7 have been giving me problems. Whenever I reboot my computer, my list of Recently Visited URLs, History folder and cookies would all cease to exist. My Internet Options don't suggest it could be the cause of this problem, and none of my programmes seem to be responsible. This is a really sticky problem, since I reboot my computer often and end up having to reenter my passwords, URLs and more.


    I would really appreciate some help with this situation, thanks!

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