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rob evans

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Posts posted by rob evans

  1. Hi rob.


    Is this the window you have after pressing "fix selected issues"?




    In the smaller window, is that the "delete registry values" you are reffering to?


    If so, continue on and press "Fix Issue" or "Fix All Selected Issues".


    yes thats the one. i do press fix all selected issues and they go,but i can run it again rigth away and its like they have not been deteted cause the same ones are still their??

  2. Hi rob, and welcome to the forum.


    CCleaner doesn't automatically delete the issues it finds. You do this by selecting "fix issues", and you can select "fix all" or do them one at a time.


    CCleaner is a safe registry cleaner, but it's still wise to follow the on screen instructions and save a back up before deleting.


    There's an online help file and tutorial available here.


    Hope this answers your question.


    thank you for your reply..however the message i get(delete registy values) comes after iv selected fix all.. it then says delete registy values..but car'nt find them anywhere or how to delete them??

  3. hi all just joined and i have a / already.. when i run CCleaner scan for issues it does not delete the issues it finds and then says,fix prob by deleting the registy values? where are they? how do you do that(remember iam not comp minded)thanks

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