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Posts posted by PatrickB

  1. Presently, CCleaner clears the User Name field from the Radius Authentication dialog box. I can find no option in CCleaner that enables or disables this feature. Could one be added? Below is an outline of the dialog. I would choose to leave the User Name field to be left alone, but other CCleaner users may choose to have the field cleared.






    User Name:




    [] Save password on disk




    Thank you,

    Patrick B.

  2. This Digg thread discusses the procedure of putting a CD or DVD into hot water for 20-30 seconds. Several people said it made the disk work again.




    Below are some plausible instructions:


    The best method on handling the disc during boiling or running under hot water is to use a wooden handled spoon or serving utensil. Simply slide the disc center over the handle face up for better handling. Boil for 10 seconds or run under hot water for 20 seconds. Carefully take the disc back off the handle onto a lint free towel laying it face up. Gently pad dry the surface from the center outward to prevent scratching the surface. Let the disc set and cool so that the surface of the disc can contract before using. This method has worked since the optical format came out btw, so game discs aren't the only thing this works for (same applies for CD's and DVD's).


    -- Patrick B.

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