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Rob J_007

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Posts posted by Rob J_007

  1. How do you use "RECUVA" well, if after the scan you get a bunch of gobbley gook and not know what the original with it was?? Wat's the point of something that doesn't name the deleted program by it's app names? How do you know what you want to recover?






    Rob J.

  2. I am unable to use the CCleaner from the recycle bin because when The Vista approves after the trigger for the CCleaner is made i, the CCleaner, does not continue through on the cleaning from the bin. It's like it forget's what it is supposed to do after the instruction to clean it is made and accepting Vista's little reminder as accepting to use it. Vista has a lot of triggers that make you have to ac cept or approve changes or anything being done to the OS. And after this is allowed, the CCleaner does not follow through. Sooooo...what do I do? :o

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