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John Wm Warman

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Posts posted by John Wm Warman

  1. BEWARE IOLO - BEWARE SYSTEM MECHANIC - Depending on other programs already on the computer, SYSTEM MECHANIC can be a TRAGIC MISTAKE. I had IOLO System Mechanic 4 and 5 and liked the programs. Then I bought System Mechanic 6 and immediately had several problems with the program's arbitrary actions and damage to other programs that had worked fine with earlier versions. I tried to get support from IOLO, and it was less than worthless, shallow, and did not address the problem. I searched the internet (which I should have done before buying) and discovered a countless number of similar complaints. I finally asked IOLO for a refund (LAUGH). They said "THERE ARE NO REFUNDS". They will only refund if they cannot provide a solution to fix the problem. I asked them for the solution, they did not respond. I called and asked how long they have to furnish a solution and the support person said "as long as it takes." It has been five months, no solutions. I'm not a novice user, but the System Mechanic program caused serious interference with other programs, and also took several hours of my time before I finally had to entirely remove it from the machine and registry. IOLO is not the best or most reputable outfit on the net. IOLO took my money and returned nothing but grief. THERE ARE NO SYSTEM MECHANIC REFUNDS - THERE IS NO MEANINGFUL SYSTEM MECHANIC SUPPORT - SYSTEM MECHANIC PROBLEMS AND DAMAGE HAS BEEN REPORTED BY MANY USERS.
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