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Posts posted by argen

  1. Hi,


    I came to know that there are "flash cookies", here there is an explanation: http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/08/you...es-think-again/


    Then I thought, "well, I have CCleaner".

    I wondered if it really deletes those cookies, and I found this thread: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=16139


    Reading there, seemingly CCleaner deletes such cookies.


    I have "Adobe Flash Player" checked under "programs" and I run CCleaner frequently.


    But then I found this page: http://www.macromedia.com/support/document..._manager06.html


    And I could see that I had a lot of Flash cookies even from sites that I don't visit from long time ago.


    So, my suggestion, is to add the capability to CCleaaner to also delete "Flash cookies".




  2. It finally installed the updates automatically. Thanks.


    The other question remains: why CCleaner resets the IE tollbar arrangement? Every time I run CCleaner I need to personalize it again. I think if one changes the address bar location, adds/removes buttons, hides links bar, etc., it's someting that CCleaner should keep. Thanks again.

  3. Hello:


    1) Automatic Windows Update was downloading (or installing, I don't remember exactly) new critical updates, and I have run CCleaner at that moment. It was three days ago, and Windows still didn't install the critical updates, I think that CCleaner deleted something that Windows was using in that moment.


    2) Every time that I run CCleaner, it reset the customization of the Internet Explorer toolbar and I have to reorder it again. What Should I uncheck at the options to avoid that? (Anyway, I think that CCleaner shouldn't do that).



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