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Posts posted by noclue

  1. Hi, fellow Ccleaning population --


    I come to you embarassed. I had written instructions from a reputatble computer site telling me step- by-step how to download CCleaner. But did I take the time to follow them? Noooooo. <_<


    So, half-way through the download, I realized that I had not checked the items that I did not wish to be "cleaned." I stopped the scan with a zillion items on the screen, and then tried to uninstall the download. I got caught in a vicious circle.


    A window appeared saying something like, "Hey, we're running a program here. What do you think you're doing?" It would not allow me to uninstall. I kept asking it, even saying please. But no way it was going to let me undo my error.


    So, I already have the Piriform icon on my desktop, but I have not marked anything for exclusion. Therefore, I'm assuming stuff is in that window that I don't want to go away. I am in limbo! :blink:


    Any suggestions for help -- those which are allowed in polite company, anyway?

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