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Posts posted by Adel

  1. This question is on behalf of a friend of mine.

    He has Emule plus v 1.2 and he wants to know if there is any way to make it faster.


    any assistance is greatly appreciated.


  2. Thx guys for the imput, i guess it is a try 7 see thing. Anyways that's exactly whatI'll do, if i encounter any problems, I'll just switch back to ie7 or firefox.


  3. Hi all,

    I think today is microsoft update day, I am sure IE7 is going to be part of this update.


    In light of all the problems encounterd by people who've tried it(IE7), my question is: Should I say yes to the update or sayno & wait until they fix all the problems the users complained about while trying it?


    Thank you for your feedback. :D

  4. good day everyone,

    I'd like to save my whole favourites list & I am wondering asto how to do that.

    I don'thave a floppy & I don't want to save them on a cd, sth I can then email to myself & save in my inbox.


    any help would be great.


    Thank you.

  5. I've tried to read through the material but to no avail, it seems this problem has to do with some codecs.

    Anyways, thanks Thefireinthesky I'll take those codecs from you to try & see.


    Very appreciated indeed.

  6. Thx for replying,

    I downloaded dj's dial a fix, followed the steps until the end & then run a cc issues scan. I did find issues that need fixing( this time more issues than before :o . ) Then I fixed the issues & run another scan. result? No issues were found this time & I am very happy i might add.


    Thank you for your help.


    DJ, that's one fine piece pf software you got there, thank you.

  7. After long hesitations, i decided to download the latest version of cc 1.30.3. Anyway, when i do a scan for issues, I get the option to fix the issues. With this version It doesn't fix anything. I did many attempts to fix the issues one by one, & when it's all done & fixed, I do another scan for issues just to make sure there aren't any left. To my surprise the same issues keep coming up. I did this many times to no avail.


    I never had this problem w/ older versionss.


    Any help shedinh light on this would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  8. Macromedia Flash for Internet Explorer: Downloadable setup file


    Macromedia Flash for Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, CompuServe: Downloadable setup file





    You're a life-saver.


    Thank you so much.


    As Iam writing this message, I already installed the file with ease & success from the link you provided.


    I am very thankful again as you've spared me a whole lot of frustration & the risk of screwing up big time :D


    Look in your control panel for .NET Framework. Is it there? If so, which version?


    What antivirus are you using?


    What internet browser are you using?


    Remember that the more information that you give, the easier it is to nail the problem. ;) Don't worry about giving too much information, only worry about not giving enough information. K? :D



    Thx my friend,

    perhaps as you could see from my last reply to Andavari, the probles was solved.

    May be i should have provided more info about my system so i could get specific help. trust me info like tis is the least of my worries when it comes to sparing me headaches.

    Thx again for your initiative to help :)

  9. You'll also notice that when you click the Security Tab > Custom Level the first section is labeled ".NET Framework-reliant components". Is your .NET updated (long shot probably)?


    I am quite sure that your problem is due to a security setting. Although I'm not sure exactly which one. Try this: Internet Options > Advanced Tab > Security > check the circle that says "Allow software to run/install even if the signature is invalid". Also under the Security uncheck "check for signatures".


    Under your Security TAB make sure that your Custom Level is Medium. Also make sure that cookies are allowed.


    It also very well could be your antivirus, or Window Defender.


    Good Luck! ;)




    Thx for replying,


    I've tried what you said but w/ the same result. Unchecked the "check for sigs". My custom level is medium which is the default.

    As for the possibility of this problem being related to my AV I don't know. I also do not use WD.


    This is mind boggling.

    For sure it has to do w/ the security /active X control as this is the message I keep getting.

    Hopefully & eventually someone will help its figuring it out.


    Thx to both of you guys.


    I'm still going to keep trying though.

  10. Good day everyone,


    little problem here I would appreciate the help.

    I have deleted macromediaflash player in order to upgrade but now my windows keeps bloking the download on account that the publisher could not be verified.


    I did go to tools/internet options/security/custom level & enabled( as per the message from the information bar) to enable file download & active X controls, yet with no result.


    This windows message keeps coming back to tell me that again "windows has blocked this file as the publisher could not be verified".

    It is frustrating :angry:

    So guys any help would be very appreciated.


    Thank you :D

  11. MSAS was known for using a ton of CPU resources that I would personally watch peak to 50% usage, although it would only do this when adding a restricted site for instance into IE's restricted sites or into the HOSTS file. The only way to stop it from doing that is to either wait for it's long delay to tell you there's a change which you must give a response to or better and quicker just restart the computer.


    This is of course old obsolete news since MSAS is no longer and has became WD.




    Good day guys,

    can anyone say if it's worth it to download WD to replace MAS at this stage?


    Thank you.

  12. Resize the browser window, then close it.  The settings will be retained.  Just an IE issue.


    Thx for replying tarun,


    pardon my stupidity here, but how do I go about resizing the browser window? I have done it in the past, but have no clue right now.

  13. hello everyone,


    the last two days I've been having this problem where whenever I click to open the internet explorer the page opens in a small window, the size of a small dialogue box. The same thing happens when I click on a link. I always have to maximize to be able to view the whole page.


    I don't know what caused this.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I have xp home SP2, P4,

  14. No it does not.


    The problem was more than likely with your PS/2 port/connection.  Try cleaning it of dust and such and it might start responding again.  Often just a reboot helps, so use that Windows key to navigate to Start and Restart.  ;)




    Thx Tarun,

    I did try what you said about the port connection being dusty, so I tried w/ the old mouse for almst 1& a half hrs & it was fine.


    Nice to have people willing to help.

  15. I think it was just a matter of time before I messed up. 

    From time to time I used to have this "page cannot be found" error or whatever that is.  Yesterday I was checking some forums & I came across a thread describing exactly the same thing I have w/ my comp.


    There were two suggestions to solve the problem.  They both suggested to go to Start- run & then type ( in my case "ispflush"  I am not too sure as I am at work now, perhaps I'll check it & post it once I get home).


    Anyways, I did that, pressed ok after lots of thinking.  The result:  I can't open pages/close them or click the back button.  Can't even go to Start- Turn off.


    Iam stumped.  I know I did sth stupid.


    So any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.





    Hi guys it's me again. Well I changed the mouse & voila. So far it is working perfectly. I hope I don't run into that problem again.


    BTW, in run I typed ipconfig/flushdns. Does that have any effect on the mouse? Just would like to know.

  16. I think it was just a matter of time before I messed up.

    From time to time I used to have this "page cannot be found" error or whatever that is. Yesterday I was checking some forums & I came across a thread describing exactly the same thing I have w/ my comp.


    There were two suggestions to solve the problem. They both suggested to go to Start- run & then type ( in my case "ispflush" I am not too sure as I am at work now, perhaps I'll check it & post it once I get home).


    Anyways, I did that, pressed ok after lots of thinking. The result: I can't open pages/close them or click the back button. Can't even go to Start- Turn off.


    Iam stumped. I know I did sth stupid.


    So any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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