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Posts posted by driven

  1. I think your Flash demo is brilliant and certainly something that would help inexperienced users.


    Apologies for the soapbox monologue that follows!


    There are a frightening number of people who, through no fault of their own, are not computer literate and are either terrified of doing anything new or, worse, assume they know it all. They buy a computer, plug it in and try things without any real understanding of what they are doing. When this involves deleting programs without uninstalling, having no firewall or antivirus/spyware (or having multiple instances) and don't download updates to Windows, eventually their PC grinds to a halt which is when people like me are called in.


    Suddenly they have to comprehend a whole lot of stuff that they never even knew existed. It would be wrong of me to clean their PC, install stuff and just leave them to it because that will inevitably be a temporary fix. So I try and give them a bit of a teach-in (glazed eyes common) but, for example, if I ask them if they use Internet history, before I can determine whether or not to uncheck/check the CCleaner option I have to show them what the history is. Ditto many of the other options. (There are some options I tell them to leave alone on pain of death!)


    However these people are not stupid just inexperienced, and the beginners guide acts as a comfort blanket until they gain more experience.



    Something should be done to make the beginners guide more obvious to beginners, and for those who may never enter or join a forum!

    Either a full inclusion of the gude in the download or even the link idea would be beneficial.


    How I agree with you. The Beginners Guide is an asset to CCleaner and should be obviously available to anyone who wants to access it


    Phew, a marathon.

  2. Hey, Twisted Metal, I am full of admiration that you took the time and trouble to create the guide at all.


    My comment about compiled HTML was not a complaint, rather that a lot of the people I deal with are the type of PC users who kinda like ink on paper with pretty margins etc a la manual (don't ask!). Strikes me that a little knowledge could be a very dangerous thing in such hands but there you go...


    :) Thanks for your response Hazelnut, I was aware that there was a zip version (in fact I've already downloaded it).

  3. ..... after awhile one does get rather tired of saying "read the beginners guide." I however think the beginner's guide should be included with the CCleaner installation, and see absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be!

    I know exactly how you feel except my 'here we go again' is person to person.


    Your suggestion for including the guide with CCleaner installation is much better than mine. However I would like it in a different format from compiled HTML though - no rational reason, just prefer the flexibility of PDF, WORD and similar apps.

  4. It would be really useful if there was a link to the beginner's guide or a download option on the home page or main download page. I frequently recommend and/or install CCleaner on other people's machines and, almost inevitably, I am asked what the various options are and what they mean. It isn't obvious that the beginner's guide exists at all.


    Also I think it would help to quieten the voices of people who want to knock CCleaner when it is clear that they don't know how to use it (or haven't bothered to find out, or just like moaning).

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