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  1. Thank you guys! I am still here, just got free from work for a few hours. But I will now make another scan with Puran. I have been searching the right forum although the interface seems very similar. Man, you can't catch, can you? Not to my knowledge, scans in Recuva are all or nothing. In any case, if you are not interested in the files it presented you with after that scan, why consider recovering them? I thought you would try to prioritize the things that are important for you. I did recovered all that Recuva retrieved in the scan. I am even copying to another drive, to make a deepscan with Puran. This is since, Recuva took so long time, when I asked it to make a deep scan (although maybe it is the same with this Puran) Okay I will not comment on this program if you find it unappropriated, but that is the case. I also think that File Systems are becoming better, but anyways I don't know any technicalities, just my experience with a few drives over the years. About Recuva, it seem very good software, it is a pity that my disk is so damaged. All this time I have been scanning it, through a USB connection on a External Case, (with no independent electric connection) So, the issue with those files that I seem not find in a scan might be that the disk have gone worse, just with time while I was not using i, or that disconnecting suddenly damaged the disk or that in that 2 previous scan (the first when I didn't find too much and the second when I did) the disk was also damage and those files are not anymore scanneable (sorry for my english, but I think you get it). As you see, I am giving up on it, although little by little, If this other program does also fails to deep scan, then I will try to deepscan with Recuva. But if that estimation of 10days lifetime was accurate I guess with 2 more deep scans, the sectors won't be able to be remapped and the disk will be completely broken. So this is my goal other I break it or I get the some important data. But as I said, I expect the first to happen. So please bare sometime with me, before closing the discussion. I will tell if I do the deepscan with Recuva or if miraculously I get something out of this scan.
  2. I see.. I am almost done with releasing space in my other drive. It has been a problem to release this space, since my NAS was not being recognized, maybe some driver which maybe is not there because I don't have all the Windows Updates.. Although this computer usually does recognize the NAS (not on network connection of course). Anyways, Recuva suddenly ended the scan. I hope it was not because my computer entered in low battery mode. But I have been able to find many unimportant files :P (like Program Files Folder, which I don't really need) anyways, so as I understand there is no way in Recuva to mark these files, to avoid scanning them again? I am thinking to recover them, but it could be nice to mark them so to make a deep scan, last time I find many other files which are much more interesting (although maybe these sectors are already damaged).
  3. Thank you! Indeed I think, I would probably have to read the disk in parts, because of it's size and state, and I am releasing some space in my other drive to make an image. I didn't know this was possible, since the problem is also reading files right? Sorry for the last screenshots, these are fine, I think. Now I am readying estimated remaining lifetime 10days :O!! @JamesRM which other command do you mean? Thanks!
  4. Hi there, Sorry for the delay, I try to focus on this as much as I can, besides my job. Recuva is still running, but now the estimated time went to 2days! (you can see it on the screenshots too) I have some screenshots of my SSD. The first two are from HD Sentinel. I put the data in decimals. There is indeed some reallocation of data to spare sectors. The last screenshot is to check for Bitlocker protectors, there were not found. I agree to the idea to keep Recuva running, it has taken so long already, that might be worthy just giving a try. Even-though I don't understand why is taking so long, last time I found many files in less than a day. The only thing I have done is that I disconnected the drive insecurely (but anyways if computer freezes..) BTW. I was not trying to overload the disk by running HD Sentinel, I just open the program and it had already scan my drives, I thought there is an initial prompt. Then it crashed and I closed it (probably because Recuva is still running). At this point I don't know what to do. I would appreciate any comments. Although it is indeed best to follow a rational route and with some more experience than mine of course. Thank again
  5. Thanks JamesR I have to read your response carefully. Since I have to leave for work now. Indeed Recuva has not yet ended. Maybe I should stop it, but I really have to leave so, I might just leave it. I have enough harddrives that is not a problem. But as I said, I will answer later and also for those other comments. Thank you for the help
  6. Thank you for your comments! Recuva is still scanning, now it says 2 hours for completion. I don't know how the damaged was caused. I think some sectors where damaged since I bought it, because it was slow while copying and moving big amounts of files, and sometimes failed. Back then I tried to degrament and keep backups. I also used a program GWX to search and delete Windows Updates, and I think this constant writing and re-writting made it worse. I am speaking of basic sectors of the disk, and the use of cmd commands to grant permission to those sectors and delete large amount of files the files. Apart from that ransomware Wannacry virus, this universal automatic Windows Updates are all nasty and intrusive. Anyways, I think the combination of these two thinks made it fail. Here is a screenshot of Diskmanager. This is another thing I don't understand there is a partition on the D: Drive that amounts for 930gb and it says "unknown (bitlocker encrypter) if I open the bitlocker manager of windows, it says that is not active. I cannot send a screen because everything that try to access the drive just crash. I am in another computer, and the drive was the C: drive of my previous computer. So the drive in question is D:. And it is now on an external case connected through USB. I don't have a HDTune screenshot or HDSentinel installed, but I can make a screenshot once Recuva finishes. Thank you for the comments about the rewriting and overwriting, I should have made a backup as soon as I seen the icon's on my taskbar were disappearing. It is not so evident when you have just one reliable computer and you need to keep working. But yeah, it is done. I saw in one of the attempts of Recuva to recover, that there were a lot of files marked as deleted. Files that I normally had on my desktop. So I am searching for both deleted and undeleted ones. That is also strange, I also checked with one program iBoysoft Data Recovery, and it said it was locked with Bitlocker. I hope this is wrong or a misreading. It is anyways hard to recognized encrypted data I hope.
  7. The loose of energy, I mentioned, was because I disconnected by turning off the computer with the off button. Today I had to do it again, because the computer was not responding. There is no other option for that kind of failure right.. I mean computers are just computers, that is why I value people reaching, even if just your work man. It means something for people on the other side of the network. Thanks, I hope this time I can recover some files! I will keep updating since I have the whole day for this, otherwise I have to wait until next week to try.
  8. Thank you for your response, the tone is indeed desperate, but.. I take off the deep scanning and now it does says an estimated time (5 hours). About the deleting option, it seems to be an option to be applied only after the scan has fully done. Since this has not happened then the files are not deleted. It is although for me strange to have next to the recovery options. But I understand some people will want to restore their hard-drives after recover. I am not an expert indeed, but I know by experience with Computer support, that it is difficult to get someone who gets how valuable personal data is. I totally get it, it is nobody's business to care of other's business. Data is simply too personal. So I thought this was the best way to handle it. I also have to say that, I have not been working on this for the last 8 months. I have always noticed that the disk was slow to read and start, I made backups just in case.. then 8 months ago, I saw that some icons on my taskbar disappeared, so I did a chkdsk and a scandisk, to see if there were errors (sadly I should have immediately backup first, but I thought I couldn't do any damage by scanning). Then I got this blue screen from windows, and a failure in the NFTS. I went to the professional, who maybe knows, but doesn't care.. (as I said is difficult to find someone who cares) but the first thing he told me.. ohh don't even try it, it is unrecoverable. I ask him, well at least take it out and I will try it myself. The disk was recognizable, and Recuva even found around 90% of the files. (Sadly I couldn't recoverd those files at that time, because I needed more space in my computer, and I have been busy with work). I am still expecting some sectors from Windows OS are damaged, since I used to delete and delete automatic updates (once I got 24gb of updates from windows, because I forgot I was not in a metered connection!) anyways.. as I said now Recuva is running. And HDtune, did showed some errors. I hope this 5 hours will show some results. I have data from work, pictures, transcripts from school and things I cannot recover. Anyways, thanks for reaching. My last chance is to send it to London for repair, I saw one company that seem to have a good reputation, that is a good try I guess. But as I said, safety is only ones, it is like trying to recover bitcoins, the only one who knows how to recover will recover and say, it was empty. Well that is my experience around. But indeed there are some good fellows around.
  9. So, I said I checked all the options on recuva. Apparently one of them is securely delete files... I find it really counterintuitive that this program recovers and deletes. But anyways, I hope since it didn't end that I didn't damage the files anymore.
  10. Hi there, I am having the same kind of problem with Recuva. With me has not even shown when it is going to finish, and it has been more than 36 hours busy. See post Right now I am scanning with HDtune as it was suggested here. But can someone help me clarify a couple of things?? The disk is recognized by windows, but I cannot access it. In the disk manager it says that the partion is "unknown (bitlocked encrypted)". But I never activated bitlocker. In fact the disk started to be damaged and I ran chkdsk and scandisk commands to try to repair it and then I had a blue error on my computer. I took out the disk to a case and I have seen once that Recuva recognized a lot of deleted files, when I ran a full scans (sorry, I just check everything there). Now I have been trying to make a full scan and it just taking so long without results. I think my disk might be more damaged than before. Maybe do to a sudden loose of power. I have tried so many times, that maybe one day, I just turn off the computer to disconnect the computer. I almost giving up after almost 8 months for trying to recover 2 years of data. But I am wondering about this message "unknonw (bitlocked encrypted)" I read other people that had the same problem. Is windows randomly locking people's hard drives?! I also tried non-deep scan, but it didn't give me much results. I think the disk in getting more and more damaged, eventhough I am just trying to recover it with Recuva. Until now HDtunes shows a 2.1% of damage and is at position 20,000MB the scanning speed is around 40MB/s 202406190811; HD tunes, has finished, it says that it is fully damage. Still if anyone have some answers I will appreciate. Thanks and good luck with your drives. Btw, I usually don't trust Microsoft, it is too invasive since automatic updates started. I have seen them deleting files from my hard drives, Although, I don't think they are targeting people, it would seem silly and pointless (but they are indeed targeting some kind of files, no matter how you save them) but I think my harddrive got damage in part because the constant work of deleting their updates in my drive. 202406190824; I restart my computer and now, HDtune is saying that is the disk is has no damage until now.. position 10,000MB. This is just crazy. if anybody can help!?
  11. Hi there, I am having the same kind of problem with Recuva. With me has not even shown when it is going to finish, and it has been more than 36 hours busy. Right now I am scanning with HDtune as it was suggested here. But can someone help me clarify a couple of things?? The disk is recognized by windows, but I cannot access it. In the disk manager it says that the partion is "unknown (bitlocked encrypted)". But I never activated bitlocker. In fact the disk started to be damaged and I ran chkdsk and scandisk commands to try to repair it and then I had a blue error on my computer. I took out the disk to a case and I have seen once that Recuva recognized a lot of deleted files, when I ran a full scans (sorry, I just check everything there). Now I have been trying to make a full scan and it just taking so long without results. I think my disk might be more damaged than before. Maybe do to a sudden loose of power. I have tried so many times, that maybe one day, I just turn off the computer to disconnect the computer. I almost giving up after almost 8 months for trying to recover 2 years of data. But I am wondering about this message "unknonw (bitlocked encrypted)" I read other people that had the same problem. Is windows randomly locking people's hard drives?! I also tried non-deep scan, but it didn't give me much results. I think the disk in getting more and more damaged, eventhough I am just trying to recover it with Recuva. Until now HDtunes shows a 2.1% of damage and is at position 20,000MB the scanning speed is around 40MB/s 202406190811; HD tunes, has finished, it says that it is fully damage. Still if anyone have some answers I will appreciate. Thanks and good luck with your drives. Btw, I usually don't trust Microsoft, it is too invasive since automatic updates started. I have seen them deleting files from my hard drives, Although, I don't think they are targeting people, it would seem silly and pointless (but they are indeed targeting some kind of files, no matter how you save them) but I think my harddrive got damage in part because the constant work of deleting their updates in my drive. 202406190824; I restart my computer and now, HDtune is saying that is the disk is has no damage until now.. position 10,000MB. This is just crazy. if anybody can help!?
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