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  1. Thanks lmacri for the info. But posting such a change on a forum is awesome (good or bad news) I have to ask how many users actually belong to a forum unless an issue arises, like this issue. I know I do not. We all run too many programs to belong to every forum. Posting such a change should have been handle by a pop-up when either someone downloads the installer or before installing if someone does an automatic update. The changes such as "Driver Updates", "System Optimization", etc. should be a paid for feature. Although these features can lead to unwanted problems on a system. But CCleaner did not start out this way and I assume that is why so many "Home" users used the "Free" version. Again I know I did. I certainly am not going to pay for features I would not trust or use. To me that is bloatware. Sorry for the rant.
  2. I totally agree, this where an announcement from Piriform, Noton, or someone representing CCleaner would have went a long way. As the saying goes, "Mistrust carries one such further than trust."
  3. Personally I really think it boils down to "Greed". As Michael Douglas said in the movie "Wall Street" said, "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." This pertains to most business decisions, profits and "bottom line" as they are the driving force. If people are "non-savvy computer users" then "lets make them pay" can be a philosophy they are taking. I think the point that is missed with the "CCleaner Decision Makers" is: 1. The "Free" user is not looking to pay, which should be obvious. 2. Now you have made your followers and users feel less important by not considering how this will affect them (No communication, not even now). As the saying goes, "Bad communication is BETTER than no communication" 3. The negative impact this action will make, in the long run, as it pertains to "Company Reputation", "Bottom Line", future customers of your products. These are my opinions ONLY but time will tell.
  4. I agree that most "Free" users are only interested in the "Custom Clean" feature of the program, I know I am. On the other hand sneaking in this option as "Only for Pro version" without a notification is under handed. I know Piriform is intitled to do whatever they want to their programs, but I then have to ask what else are they going to do that no one is aware of until you try to use it or update the program. Now the link provided yesterday, https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds , does not show the older versions. They did yesterday so I am assuming there will be only a paid version of CCleaner. I have uninstalled version CCleaner 6.24.11060 as it serves no more purpose for my usage. The "Update Drivers" and other features are handled by myself as needed. It seems to me that it would make sense to make the optional features, such as "Update Drivers" and others, as "Pro Only" or "Paid Features" and leave the original CCleaner alone. It was a GREAT program while it lasted.
  5. Thanks for your reply nukecad. I have used the link you provided and re-installed twice today. I still have the same issue as my original thread stated. :(
  6. I use CCleaner Free at home. As of this morning (June 4, 2024) CCleaner pops up an advertisement to purchase the Pro version. After clicking the "X" on the first window and "No Thanks" on the second window, CCleaner does not do a clean. CCleaner will perform an "Analyze" but not a "Run Cleaner". I even re-installed CCleaner Free and it has the same result. This issue happens over and over. I am running Windows 10 Pro.
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